Fall of Hugo Cabrera, star of the Dominican Balloon

March 23 March in the United States Hugo Cabrera, “El Inmenso”, the death of the Dominican Sports and one of the greatest figures of the Dominican balance laughter surgery pad.

Cabrera was an essential figure of the Dominican balance. Playing around the clubs of San Lázaro, Naco and Los Mina. His majors will be produced with the National Selection at the Básquet Center 75 and 77. Actu as referee in tournaments of Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Spain.

In one era, the best Latin ball player was considered, and his university career had two offers to enter the NBA.

His decision included the Dominican balance. “Los grandes no mueren, trascienden. Thank you to the legend Hugo Cabrera ”, said one colleague in the account of his contemporary Aldo Leschorn.

Journalist Roosevelt Comarazamy also apologized for the failure: “Hugo Cabrera was not only a huge balance ball player but an extraordinary man. With his party taking a vacation in the company of his friends and admirers. Peace be upon you! ”

Cabrera nation in Santo Domingo, and was exalted as a balloonist at the 1998 Ceremonial.
