‘Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ ​​will be bigger than ‘WandaVision’

Madrid /

Large part of the attraction of Bruja Escarlata y Vision (“WandaVision”) for fans ha sido todo el magazine of theories, rumors and false pistes which he accompanied in each episode of the fiction. Marvel’s masterpiece to reach out to the public has a key piece to the hour of living the experience of the series of Wanda and Vision.

Pero an actor from Falcon and the Soldier of Invierno creates what he nee ha sido nada in comparison with what is read.

George St-Pierre, which performs Batroc in the next series of the UCM, has secured an interview with The intricate sports podcast row “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” superará con creces en teorías fan ‘n “WandaVision”. What this means is that fans of this are very busy trying to averiguar what happened to Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson.

“Creo que será similar, o including more large, because it is huge“Dijo St-Pierre” when asked how he would react to the reaction of fans to “Falcon and the Soldier of Winter” in comparison with “WandaVision”. “He had so much to do with this series, it’s incredible”, aggregate.

Without embarrassment, when the question arises about his character in the UCM, Batroc, the actor is a hermetic maniac, who, hecho, does not know how to tell his story. “Everything is very divided. Only if it is necessary to know, do not know the story… Includes if you ask for things, no powder. I have very good secret escondi “, aseguró.

St-Pierre debuted at the UCM as agent George Batroc the Leaper in “Captain America: The Soldier of Invierno”. If you are a mercenary and expert in arrogant kickboxing who secured a SHIELD car and was detained by Steve Rogers in the opening stage of the movie, and now regressed with “much more time in pants”, as well as assuring the actor in the interview

“Falcon and the Winter Soldier” aired on Disney + next spring 19th of March.
