Faculty of Medicine summarizes the coordination of capacities for CTI

According to the Medical Board and the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Care (SUMI), it expresses its concern and “surprise” at the convocation carried out by the State Health Service Administration (ASSE) for the capacity of staff of workers of intensive care and additional capacity staff, ASSE President Leonardo Cipriani met with representatives of both sectors and was summoned to the Faculty of Medicine for capacity.

“Tal vez (la reunion) debió ocurrir al princip”, Cipriani reconstruction este lunes en rueda de prensa tras la reunion solicitada. Alli tanto ASSE, the Federation Médica del Interior (FEMI), the Syndicato Médico del Uruguay (SMU) como la SUMI agree to implement the capacity agencies that provide more classes. In the initial convocatoria, ASSE has the authority of instances, a virtual and other presence. The first to work on the ASSE Capacity Platform, while the second series is present at the CTI of an ASSE Executive Unit.

In addition, the planning of the courses will also be included in the private budget and will be coordinated with the Faculty of Medicine, with the help of the intensive care unit, the boards and the ASSE will hold a new meeting this March.

“We will take care of the people who, in the event of a catastrophe scenario, the staff that assists with the skills and competencies to burn a quality assistance. and we can hope, “said SMU President Gustavo Grecco.

Thus, Cipriani says that the courses do not pretend to “assist the intensive care unit”, because they are able to use medicines that have been passed through intensive care in order to be necessary to support the intensive care unit.

Theoretical and practical planning in which the Faculty of Medicine intervenes does not have a beginning of the courses or duration, which depends on the number of registrations that haya, explained the integrative of the SUMI, Luis Nuñez. The ASSE call center accepts the enrollment of anesthesiologists, intensive care pediatricians, specialists in internal medicine, cardiology and emergency rooms with more than thirty years of experience. The professionals will be titled or will be performing the last year of the priority specialties (both modality of degree or residence) “, said the convocatoria.

The interested parties must register with the Department of Human Resources of the Executing Unit in the case where the contract, in case of need, has been approved by the Commission of Support. The registration site abrió este jueves and will continue until the 29th of January.

Cipriani noted that the system “was working by beating a 60%” CTI occupation, “as it always works” and said that the effect of the vacancy “would not be immediately”, but that the immunization of the population would help que el sistema no collapse. According to the latest SUMI report, there are currently 99 intensive care patients who occupy 56.6% of the total beds, of which 334 are free beds. 12.9% are patients with covid-19.
