Faculty of Medicine of the U. de Chile states that vacancies Sinovac “his surgeries and demonstrated effectiveness”

During these weddings, first day of evacuation against COVID-19 by adults of 90 years and mayors, the Faculty of Medicine (Familiar) of the University of Chile responds to the use of Coronavac, inoculation of the Sinovac laboratory.

Through a communication, the study case indicates that “vacancies analyzed and authorized by specialized national and international entities, including the Sinovac vaccine, his safety and effective demonstration against the virus, especially in the face of serious illness ”.

And la misma línea, the doctor Juan Pablo Torres, director of Innovación Famed, has’called the public to evacuate against the COVID-19 ″.

Lee also: “I have a lot of gratitude, this is wonderful”: The first reactions of major adults to the vacancies

Massive evacuation, together with the compliment of contraceptives (as well as the use of mascara, hand hygiene, social distance, space ventilation and maintenance at home) is all day long best alternative to contain the pandemic“, Record from the faculty.

Junto, “We strongly recommend the public to follow the indications of the sanitary authority”.

The communiqué was also shared by the President of the Medical College (Colmed), Izkia Siches, who donated his support to the U. de Chile message.

In front of the multiple dudes planted, here is the answer from the U. de Chile in this evacuation process“, Escribió.

The response of Famed surge lies in the fact that inside the rubrus of the health questioner the use of the Coronavac in the vacancy, as the immunologist and academic of the same case of studies, the doctor María Carmen Molina.

The professional indicates that “the adult adults of 60 years of age who are vaccinated with Coronavac de Sinovac can be more likely to become infected with the virus. Authorize your use, on the recommendation of ISP experts, is not tener idea of ​​immunology y pone en riesgo la salud de las personas ”.

Lee also: President Piñera officiates initiation of the evacuation: “We must learn to live with the virus of security form”

During this Wednesday, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, stated that “we have the arguments of the Medical College, the Scientific Society, the Society of Infectology, the Pandemic Expert Group, and the Chilean Society of Epidemiology. The companies gave the support to the vacuna. How can we counter the opinion of 20 people against a scientific society? ”.

Revise el mensaje complete director of Innovation de Famed:
