At one point, farmers are protesting against corporate enterprises in agriculture, photos of food grain bags with Trust Jio logos on them went viral on social media. Some of these bags have headlines like “Best Sharbati Huhu”, “Finest Quality Indian Pulses”, etc.
While the photos surprised some netizens, Reliance called Jio’s apparent entry into food grain a ‘conspiracy’ against farmers. Many have claimed that the three controversial farm laws were introduced to take advantage of induswilliams trial goers such as Mukesh Ambani, who owns Reliance.
Manoj Lubana, a leader of the NSUI student wing of Congress, was among those who shared the set of photos, along with a caption in Hindi that translated into: ‘The bags were made first and the laws later. These photos speak volumes. ‘

India Today Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) has found that the bags with Jio logos have nothing to do with Reliance. These bags are easily available in the market and many wholesalers sell different food grains in them.
The archived version of Manoj’s post can be seen here.
Aarti, a member of the social media team of Aam Aadmi Party, also tweeted again one such post. Another Facebook user said in Hindi: ‘Reliance trusts Modi. Not only is Jio’s food grain ready, but the name is also printed on bags. ”

The archived version of this Post can be seen here.
The truth
We found one of the photos below Gujarati. To examine the image, we found a list of retailers on various websites selling food pellets in bags, with ‘Jio Best Sharbati Gehu’ on it.

We reached out to Bharat Bhai, the owner of such a firm Radhakrishna Trading Company. Bharat Bhai, a trader of food grains, told AFWA that traders sell him various goods in bags, with ‘Jio Best Sharbati Gehu’ on it.
According to Bharat Bhai, “In Gujarat, the use of food grains in bags with Jio logos has been going on for several years. Traders regularly sell rice, bajra or dal in bags with ‘wheat’ printed on it. Bags with Jio logos look more attractive and the commodities sell faster. There are several companies that manufacture such bags. ”
We also found that such bags are sold for Rs 7 each IndiaMART Website.

After that, we reached out to a Reliance Jio spokesperson who said that the Jio bags on social media have nothing to do with the company. Reliance Jio Website has no mention that the company ventures into trading in food grains. No media house reported on it either.
Companies with ‘Jio’ in their names
We have found that several companies trade in agro products that have ‘Jio’ in their names. ‘Shri JioAgro Food Products Private Limited‘and’Jio Fresh‘of Maharashtra is among such enterprises. We contacted Kamal Bakliwal, Director of ‘Shri JioAgro Food Products Private Limited’, for information on their products. The article will be updated as soon as its response is in.
Therefore, it is clear that photos of bags with Jio logos produced in local factories are being spread on social media with the claim that Reliance Jio is risking the food grain trade.

ClaimPhotos of bags with Jio logos are proof that Reliance Jio is now venturing into food grain trading.ClosureReliance has denied that these bags with Jio logos have anything to do with it. These bags are easily available in the market and many wholesalers sell different food grains in them.
The number of crows determines the intensity of the lie.
- 1 Crow: Half true
- 2 crows: mostly lies
- 3 crows: absolutely false