Fact-checking warnings of a third coronavirus wave in Britain are no suggestions that the vaccination campaign has failed

Social media reports have suggested that the UK government will not warn of a third wave of coronavirus infections if vaccines work properly. However, this claim needs context.

Examples can be seen (here) and (here) and has been shared thousands of times. They ask: ‘If the vaccine works, why would the UK experience a third wave? If the vaccine does not work, why is everyone forced to have it? Am I missing something? “

The posts come in response to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s warning on March 22 that the third wave of COVID-19 infections currently spreading in Europe could be on its way to Britain. (here). “Previous experience has taught us that when a wave hits our friends, it’s, I fear, also wash up on our shores, and I expect that in time we will feel the effects,” Johnson said.

Firstly, a large part of the UK’s population has yet to get the jab. Of the 67 million people, about 28 million had the first dose of the vaccine. Only 2 million people received the second dose, which is needed for maximum protection (here). This means that the majority of the population is not protected against the virus.

Second, although the vaccines are very effective against variants of COVID-19 circulating in the United Kingdom, studies suggest that they offer significantly less protection against the spread of variants in other countries (here (here). That people traveling to the UK can import variants that are somewhat resistant to the vaccines.

As a result, Johnson warned that Britain may need to tighten restrictions on arrivals from countries such as France, where variants cause a sharp increase in cases (here).


Missing context. Although the vaccines are very effective against strains circulating in the UK, there are concerns that they offer less protection against variants in other countries.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to actually check social media posts.
