Fact-checked photo and quote about abortion attributed to comedian Amy Schumer

Social media users shared posts online attributing an abortion quote to comedian Amy Schumer. A graphic photo with Schumer’s face processed was included in some of the reports. This claim is false and the claim has been in circulation since 2018.

Examples can be seen here and here (graphic warning). One description of one post reads: ‘Just remember this when you watch her. She is ANGRY. ”

The reports say: “Meet Chuck Schumer’s niece” and the quote reads: “Fetuses are not human and have no right.

Reuters found no evidence that Schumer said this. It does not appear on her social media accounts twitter.com/amyschumer , www.facebook.com/AmySchumer and here or in a Google search here.

Amy Schumer’s representatives did not immediately respond to Reuters’ request for comment. Schumer’s publicity confirmed to the Associated Press in 2018 that the photo and the quote were both produced (apnews.com/article/2442481221).

The original photo, processed to harm Amy Schumer to a child, appears on the Facebook page, Instagram page and website of Canadian photographer Melissa Trotter. Here and here is a part of her ‘Baby Smash’ photography series.

The photos got backlash from users on Facebook, as seen here and here.

Trotter said on Twitter (here) that the photos are not about abortion, and said: “lol it’s called Baby Smash. Nothing to do with abortion. Just switch the role of the babies and the cakes. Please calm your activated self. ”

Her work was featured here in an article by the Canadian television network CBC.

Chuck Schumer and Amy Schumer are family, but not as uncle and niece. Chuck is Amy’s first cousin, as mentioned here and here. It will become Chuck Schumer and Amy Schumer nieces.


Untrue. The photo and quote about abortion attributed to comedian Amy Schumer has been produced.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.
