Fact check: Trump makes ten false and misleading allegations about Biden during North Carolina rally

He left Biden inaccurate on topics ranging from gun control, the border, his tax plan and pandemic response. CNN has counted at least ten false or misleading allegations made by Trump against his opponent.

Here’s a look at the president’s claims and the facts behind them.

Facts first: Biden’s gun control plan does not include confiscate legally owned weapons, but would instruct people who possess assault weapons to properly register them with the authorities or sell them to the federal government, along with other measures.


Trump has argued that Biden “wants to eliminate America’s borders.”

Facts first: This is completely false. Biden do not to support an open borders policy.


Trump has suggested that Biden and Democrats want to destroy suburbs.

“They want to destroy your suburbs. You know that,” Trump said.

Facts first: This fear robbery is completely false. The Obama-era housing prevail Trump hints that it was meant to address racial segregation and in no way abolish the suburbs.
This is a repeat of Trump’s racially coded nonsense from July, when he worked to change the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in 2015, a decade-old federal requirement aimed at eliminating discrimination and to combat the separation of housing, to overthrow it.
You can read more here about the regulations and Trump’s false allegations.

Oil and gas

Trump argued that Biden had promised to end oil and coal production.

“Biden is committed to ending the production of American oil, shale, clean coal, without fracturing,” Trump said.

Facts first: Biden did say, “We are going to end fossil fuels” in September 2019, during the pre-election. But his energy plan does not include the ban on fossil fuels during his presidency.

Biden’s written plan proposes to ‘ban new oil and gas bans on public lands and waters’ and he undertook to “establish a enforcement mechanism to bring about net emissions no later than 2050”, which almost certainly would require a significant reduction in oil and gas. production.

Biden does not make a proposal to completely ban hydraulic fracturing (hydraulic fracturing, a drilling method used to extract natural gas or oil). In fact, he explicitly said last week, “I do not prohibit fracking.”

However, there is at least one basis for Trump’s assertion: During the Democratic primary, Biden sometimes suggested that he propose getting rid of all fracking.

Police funding

Trump claims Biden’s support for reducing police funding.

Facts first: Biden does not explicitly support calls to disregard the police. He suggested that some funds be diverted to social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing, but Biden commented to an activist in July, immediately moving on to his previous proposal to deny federal funding to specific police. sections that do not meet certain standards.

Looting and rioting

According to the president, Biden applauded rioters and referred to them as ‘peaceful protesters’.

Facts first: This is false. Pray it correctly noticed that many protesters were peaceful; he did not argue that the violent protesters were peaceful. He said rather repeatedly denounced violence, rioting and looting.

War in Iraq

Trump said: “Biden voted for the war in Iraq.”

Facts first: It requires context.

It is true that Biden voted for the war in 2002, although he admitted a few years later that his vote was a mistake. And although Trump himself has repeatedly claimed to have opposed the war before it began, he became an explicit opponent of the war just over a year after it began.
You can read more about their views on the war here.

Turn off

“Joe Biden’s plan to put a lid on it will collapse our economy,” Trump said.

Facts first: This is wrong and needs context. Trump refers to an interview in which Biden answers a hypothetical scenario and does not propose a national strike.

During an ABC interview on August 21, Biden was asked what he would do if experts told him to close the country if he were president. Biden said, “I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists.”

Biden did not suggest that the US should be closed now. In addition, presidents can not unilaterally close the country. They can provide guidance and other measures, but their power to limit what restrictions states impose is limited.

You can read the full exchange here.

Hand school

According to Trump, Biden said that “if elected, the charter schools would be gone.”

Facts first: This assertion about trade schools is exaggerated.

The Democratic Party platform recommends that non-profit charter schools ban federal funding, and not abolish all charter schools. It also takes a generally skeptical approach to charter schools, demanding that federal funding for new, expanded charter schools or the renewal of charter schools be conditioned on a district review or the charter systematically subordinate the most needy students . ‘ This is not abolition.

“Joe Biden is against the Trump / DeVos notion of ‘school choice’, which is private school evidence that will destroy our public schools. He is also against profitable and poorly performing business schools and believes that he should hold all business schools accountable. Not against districts preferring parents to send their children to public magnet schools, performing public charters or traditional public schools, ”a Biden spokesman said in an email last month.

China trip

“When I banned a trip from China, Biden called it hysterical and xenophobic,” Trump claimed.

Facts first: Trump never suspended all travel from China and it is unclear what Biden was referring to when he attacked ‘Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia’.

Trump’s travel restrictions have banned most foreign nationals who have been in China for the past 14 days, but released U.S. citizens, permanent residents and many of the family members of both groups. Flights from China continued and tens of thousands of people traveled from China to the US in the months following Trump’s travel restrictions.
On the same day, January 31, Biden accused Trump of “xenophobia” in a speech in Iowa that Alex Azar, secretary of health and human services, announced Trump’s travel restrictions on China – but it was not clear if Biden was even aware of the time the travel restrictions, and according to his campaign he was not. Biden only took a firm stand on the travel restrictions in early April when he expressed support for them.
Biden said on January 31 that “this is not the time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia – hysterical xenophobia – and fear of fighting, but not science.” But he did not specifically mention the travel restrictions in that address.

Bid tax plan

After Trump claimed that 2021 would be one of the best years economically, Trump added “unless the wrong person steps in and quadruples everyone’s taxes. ‘

Facts first: Trump falsely describes Biden’s plan to raise taxes. Biden’s plan will raise taxes for people earning more than $ 400,000 a year. He promised not to raise taxes for those earning less, although they could have an impact on his plan to lift the highest tax rate.
