Facebook to BAN claims over ‘man-made’ Covid-19 and ‘unsafe’ vaccines as it launches electoral campaign to promote vaccination

Facebook is expanding the list of ‘false’ and ‘exposed’ allegations about the coronavirus and vaccines that are the reason for banning the platform, while launching the largest ‘authoritative’ vaccination campaign worldwide.

In accordance with the Community Standards Policy, post posts with “Unmasked claims” that is Covid-19 “Man-made or manufactured,” or that vaccines are ineffective, unsafe, dangerous or cause autism will be removed from Monday, Guy Rosen, VP of Integrity, announced on the Facebook blog.

The new policy has been implemented after consultation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and others, and it will help Facebook “Continue to act aggressively against misinformation” about Covid-19 and vaccines, Rosen added.

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Even if it does not violate any of the above policies, postings on Covid-19 or vaccines will still be subject to review by “Third party fact checkers” and marked and ‘Degraded’ if it is judged false.

Meanwhile, the company’s head of health, Kang-Xing Jin, has announced that Facebook – along with Instagram and WhatsApp, which he owns – will be “The largest global campaign for authoritative information on [Covid-19] vaccines. “

In addition to “Expanding our efforts to remove false claims,” Facebook gives $ 120 million in advertising credits to health ministries, NGOs and UN agencies to send out vaccinations and health information to “Billions of people around the world,”And the provision of data “To inform effective vaccine delivery and educational efforts to build trust” about the vaccines.

The social media construction will also help people “Find out where and when they can get vaccinated – similar to how we helped people find information on how to vote during elections.”

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Boasts of removal “More than 12 million pieces of content” which contains “Incorrect information that could lead to imminent bodily harm,” and has successfully influenced millions of people around the world to wear masks, Jin said the company’s focus in 2021 is to build trust and confidence in the vaccines that use the same “Insights and best practices.”

In the US, Facebook will partner with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health “Native American Communities, Black Communities, and Latinx Communities” and use “Scientific and evidence-based content that addresses the questions and concerns” it could be about the vaccines.

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WHO scientists are currently in Wuhan, China – where the virus was first detected in December 2019 – to determine how it affects humans. The closest cousin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was found in 2013 among horseshoe bats in Yunnan province in China, about 1,900 kilometers away.

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