Fabián Bustos habló of the ‘complex’ party Guayaquil City against Barcelona SC and Gabriël Cortez without title; National Championship | Deport

The celestial and white team always has a rival for the canaries.

“I imagine a very big party” that will house the nearby Domino Barcelona Sporting Club ante Guayaquil City, in the stadium Christian Benítez de Samanes, north of the urban town, commented Fabián Bustos, coach of the goalscorers.

The celestial and white team always has a rival for the canaries. In the history of these encounters he was recorded triumphant over the minimum difference; in the games of the past season the citadinos won 2-1 in their match and in the rematch 1-0 in favor of the barcelonistas.

At the end of the week, the blackberry bushes will be covered in thorns and, for this reason, they will hope that Emelec pierces the dolphin ante on the Capwell Stadium and doubles it to the citizens.

About the proximed-mededinger, Fabián Busto, technical champion with the goalscorers, victory of the victory (3-0) of this domino ante Technical University commented: “The City is a very good team, has a coach (Pool Gavilánez) who comes haciendo las cosy muy bien, que ha crecido muchísimo, por los méritos que han hecho sus jugadores, directivos y él (Gavilánez) con su su térnie técnico ”.

“Lograron consecrates the classification to the South American Cup (2021) with many players from jerquia, believing that there is a small challenge for us in the tactics and for them I imagine that also. I have a very good relationship with Pool and I have been identified with many things that he has done (tactically) ”, remarked.

About the superstition of ‘Loco’ Cortez

Gabriel Cortez has seen a revolution in Barcelona’s game in the second half. His support was fundamental for the canaries of the market (from 2-0 to 2-3) ahead of Manta FC and they had a brilliant presentation to score the goal (3-0) against University Technical.

“His great probabilities for Cortez being titled in Barcelona are his details for being in the initial one. You can play in any position in the middle of the camp and lie is that there is a huge amount of confidence when it comes to entering ”, says Bustos.

“It seems to me that most importers are motivated to do everything, if Cortes shows himself at this level in a short time and has the opportunity to be titular (…) we know that we have a competitive team and we can use them to the best. estén ”, aggregate.

To conclude on this topic, Bustos demonstrates: “One has three lives and all fours, but always has one more chance”. (D)
