F1. Ricciardo, Alonso and Checo a lo grande; Vettel and Mercedes Sufren

Baréin /

The Spanish Fernando Alonso (Alpine) wanted to break the mandates of a monopoly during the second training session of the pretest test of Baréin de la Formula 1, and has made an extraordinary second position in the tanda matinal, solely by the back of the Australian Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren), followed by mexicano Sergio “Checo” Pérez of Red Bull.

Despatches from two years ago ‘Gran Circo’, the bicampeón of the world has regressed to the piste in one Formula 1 in the Sakhir circuit, in a session where all the ancient miracles took place, during and after submerging in Alpiene A521. So, here’s a quote from his partner Esteban Ocon, who rode the fours, to try out in a test with five last private minutes and no powder version.

The Asturian, who did not compete in F1 since the Abu Dabi Grand Prize de 2018, jump on the asphalt with its flaming monoplasm azul electric and asalto next to the time table, which is included during the first tram.

Solo the Australian Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren) log down the first position with a crown of 1: 32.215, 0.124 to the best of Spain, however, there have been times when there have been riots in the jornada del viernes, algo deberan subsanar por la tarde.
