experts insist on their benefits

A group of 120 experts in the field of health, science and medicine has edited an abierta map sent to the governors of the world. It is an article that refers to the global sanitation crisis, provoked by the Covid19.

The sanitary professionals who participated in the provincial initiative of the United Kingdom, EE. UU. and countries of the European Union. These experts are known to has clear scientific evidence that “vitamin D reduces infections, hospitalizations and deaths from coronavirus”.

Increase vitamin D intake

On the map, the scientists offer one Urgent and immediate increase in vitamin D levels in patients, and in the general population. Este aumento debería alcanzar las 4,000 International Units (UI) for the day in the case of healthy adults, o en el peor de los casos al menos 2.000 UI, según firman los profesionales mencionados en la carta enviada a gobiernos de todo el mundo.

These are the only products that have been released by the United Kingdom, SACN and NICE government. no sufficient evidence exists to help increase vitamin D intake to help combat Covid-19. Involved scientists declare that global patterns and risk factors for the pandemic and vitamin D deficiency are declining in impact on the immunological function.

Specifically, the experts point out that, following the investigation, “The low levels of vitamin D have significantly increased the probability of infections by Covid-19”.

Response to the investigation

These experts say that the new ones Specific mechanisms of the SARS-Cov-2 are very well understood in the news. Hecho, he was involved in a number of different studies and investigations in the last months that coincided with that Vitamin D directly influences Covid-19 results.

More than 70 must-see studios Vitamin D levels are associated with the highest levels of infection and low risk of hospitalization, UCI or death. Here is the finding, following the scientists who participated in the aborted map, various randomized controlled trials (ECA) and recently published experimental quasi-studies.

Medical experts and professionals

The main organizers of the campaign are Karl Pfleger (EE. UU.) And Gareth Davies (United Kingdom), both ten Experience in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, as well as in Medicine. The card has a list of children 120 signatories, more than one of their doctors and / or doctors, while approximately 60 of the experts own the doctrine in the camp of medicine. Among them are British parliamentarians David Davis and Rupa Huq, who also signed the card.

Get rid of the participation of Martin Hewison, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham. Treat yourself to one of the principals World Authorities in Vitamin D. Hewison firm la la carte tras constantly criticizes SACN and NICE, classifying its informants information.

The British professor was very critical of NICE’s latest statement, saying: “NICE, SACN and PHE continuously promoting the idea of ​​the ‘toxicity’ of vitamin D, pesar de que no hay evidencia de esto en los assayos donde se usaron hasta 4.000 UI por día. Many researchers of vitamin D have been working incessantly throughout the year to promote a brand in which the supplementation of vitamin D powder should be incorporated into the general strategies used to derive Covid-19 ”.

Other health professionals and nutrition experts consulted at this valuation, as well Mikel García Iturrioz, Technical Director of Misohi Nutrición, que señala “existe una indisputable relationship between vitamin D and the immunological system. Assimilation, the evidence that responds to Effect protector of vitamin D in front of the pregnancy of Covid-19 is very sugerente. Vitamin D supplementation can bring a treat protection with a low economic cost and a high level of security ”.

Coste y riesgo bajos

Deputy David Davis, one of the card makers, has a vitamin D company company throughout the pandemic. “The evidence of various study docs show that the deficiency or insufficiency of this nutrient is implicated in compromise the immune response of the body to respiratory diseases in general and to Covid-19 in specific ”, the politician said.

Davis continued to say that The probable effect of correcting this deficiency is to reduce the susceptibility to infection and reduce mortality and mortality. among the infected by the virus ”. Asimismo, I would like to underline that “in the unlikely case that this evidence is an artifact, the costs and risks for the minimum serious health”.

In exchange, says Davis, in the case where the sources are located in the fourth section of vitamin D paper to treat Covid-19, “Series unresponsive geen adminársela to all groups that are at risk of illness. Salvará vidas, will increase the population of the population and will help reduce the medical and economic impact while we hope the universal launch of the vacancies “, he said.

The adequate dose of vitamin D

On the other hand, the British deputy also had access to the indicated dose. “It is necessary to be sufficient to correct the existing deficiency“The only thing that matters is the recommended diarrhea of ​​the United Kingdom,” said Davis.

Finally, the signature of David S Grimes, gastroenterologist jubilado, ha hecho campña para la vitamin D se tome más en serio duras de proximos años. “BEAUTIFUL and SACN are unaware of the investigation, he refused the use of calcifediol, a form of vitamin D of rapid action, in the treatment of neonemia by Covid-19, to lose weight in a clinical trial demonstrates that it has a 96% efficacy ”.

Grimes is more than his companions, recording that he has habit 25,000 moores of Covid-19 in United Kingdom since published in this studio. Geen belemmering nie, the expert comments that “NICE continues to state that ‘there is no sufficient evidence’. Tens are very important. It is a national achievement ”, ha sentenciado.

The full map is published on the web page

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
