Expert insta to integrate genomics into conventional medicine

Expert insta to integrate genomics into conventional medicine

Archive – Genome Medicine – USC – ARCHIVE


Eric D. Green, Director of the Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Genoma Humano de Estados Unidos (NHGRI, por sus siglas en Engels), het ‘n integrar la genómica en la medicina conventional para anticiparse al papel cada vez most vital que este campo va a asumir in the clinical attention.

“As part of the launch of the Human Genome Project, it has been for decades, the genomics has been progressively advancing between the base of biomedical research. Despite the conclusion reached in 2003, genomics now regularly plays a key role in the investigation. Basics and Translation “, Green’s result in a jornada organized by the Ramón Areces Foundation, in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Human Genetics (AEGH), coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the commencement of the Genoma Humano Project and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the publication borrador.

However, in the future, the expert has agreed that “the advances advanced will lead to a more generalized integration of genomics in practically all areas of biomedical research and the adoption of genomics in conventional medicine, which will feed the scientist genomics and clinical genetics “.

Inside the Strategy for Personalized Medicine announced by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in September 2020, the Genome Medicine is called to assume a critical role. Specifically, the Genetics Clinic specialists will be the key professionals in the National Health System (SNS) to log the translation of the genetic knowledge into the clinical practice, in the majority of prevention, diagnosis and response to the disease.

For his part, Juan Cruz Cigudosa, Genetic Researcher and Adviser on Universidad, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Government of Navarre, has made sure that “the emergence of this specialty has a negative impact on all sectors”.

“So, by a lad, the patients, under the guise of the efforts of women to develop assisted genetics, many times by not being in the appropriate circuit, are produced retrospectively during the diagnostic times”, he added.

In the case of this investigator and health care manager, the specialization of this specialty will affect professionals in situations of “labor insecurity, lack of equidistance in retribution and other economic benefits such as internal promotion or continuous training”. In the third place, this context is reflected in “the transfer that must have between scientific advances and patient assistance, which requires the existence of multidisciplinary teams with professional areas of knowledge in conventional bioinformatics and advanced genomics. the conventional structures of the Public Health System “.

Among the possible solutions, Cigudosa has, as exemplified by the Regional Strategy of Personalized Medicine in March in Navarre, that “for example, between other activities, increase the training of health professionals in this ambition, organize multifaceted team activity a central clinic of clinical genetics, defines an ethical and legal guarantor brand and establish communication channels between patients and the rest of agents “.

The president of the Spanish Association of Human Genetics, Encarna Guillén, has defended that “the specialty of Clinical Genetics is necessary to provide a real application of genomics in prevention and a more efficient and secure sanitation.

At this point, the importance of delivering to the governing actions of the governing body, strategic visions that lead the way, indicating that “we are in the idle moment” for it, has manifested itself.

“We have lost compassion with respect to Europe and believe that recovery in the world has not resulted in any other country that does not have clinical genetic expertise,” it said. And it was planted that, in this year, “the clinical genetics expertise should be implemented in the National Health System, without further ado”.

The Director General of the Salud Carlos III Institute (ISCIII), Raquel Yotti, has stated in this finding that we are “engaged in the construction of a joint strategy led by the Ministry of Health and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation to stay there” transformation goal that so many desires a medicine that is more personalized “.

The Director-General of the Professional Office of the Ministry of Health, Vicenç Martínez, also spoke, stating that “all genomics will transform medicine and, as it is known, in a short time”.

“The advances each have its most accelerated. The pathologies tend to form distinctly as the students studied and in this sense we have to make a change that affects the university and the social”, he said.

Asimismo, he has shown confidence in having medical professionals like clinical specialists as well as genetic specialists. “Ha ha hacerlo sí o sí. A la vez, tenemos que reorganizarnos dentro las las institutions en trabajar de forma multidisciplinar es clave. Estamos en un points de madurez en genomica que consigue que esta investigas pase a lo assistencial y llegue a los patient. “We have to prove our talent and potential that we have and we have”, he said.
