Exmaquillista de Gomita la acusa de hacerle un trabajo de santería

The conductor Aracely Ordaz Campos, better known as’Gomita‘, finds itself in the middle of the controversy, on this occasion to have been accused of hacking brewery a su exmaquillista.

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Fue el propio extrabajador de la comediante Morin Ram, who appeared in an interview with the show ‘Chisme No Like’, which was the victim of a health strike.

I empezaba as to feel bad, people accuse me of dying to go and consult because I was wearing something bad. Yo voy con esa persona se se dedica a lo mismo y me sale todo lo que me staba haciendo y desde ahí decidí dejarle de hablar”, Explained.

Brujo de cabecera the alert of a possible traction

Agreed with the makeup artist, the reason why Gomita decided to do some work because of his “bruise of cabecera” the alert of a superstition of his part.

I hicieron un limpia e hice todo lo que me pidieron ahí para quitarme todo malo, lo que elle quería era que no crèiera laboralmente, se se cerraran todas las puertas”, Agregó.

I want to get married, Morin revealed that I found the comedian, but this was the last act of brewery.

VIDEO / Chism does not like

Morin Ram explained that Ordaz Campos “It’s a good person, but it’s easy to manipulate the person,” he said, adding that he should be taken care of by the ads of his “godmother.”

I have a love for her, I work with her, she is the maquillaba, she looks for another person and she is the person she loves to work with, but she is not a type of person and she can have a health job”, Dijo.

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