Exluchador Dave Batista receives $ 20,000 to capture what he called the “Trump” phrase in the pocket of a manatee | El Salvador News

The accusation of this marine species “is a punishable federal criminal offense”; The authorities continue their investigations with the person in charge, who tend to pay a fine of up to $ 50,000.

Por S. López / Agencias | Wed 17, 2021- 18:27

The indictment of the victim who suffers a manatee in Florida, United States continues to disrupt the stadiums. The repudio has been saying that currently a millionaire’s compensation is being paid for what he has done with the responsible party.

The noble initiator was the executor and actor of the “Guardians of the Galaxy”, Dave Bautista, who announced that he would pay $ 20 million in money and burn information that captures the capture of the person who spoke “Trump” en el lomo del manatí.

Photo: Instagram

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Photo: Captura de pantalla.

The manatee has been the subject of several debates since Donald Trump’s supporters invaded the Five Deadly Congress, although it was not clear he could do anything about it.

The native animal in the waters of the Homosassa River, in an area on the east coast of Florida where the manatees congregate in this era of the year in the watering can.

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Bautista, world wrestling superhero in the wrestling world of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), is not the only one to receive compensation for beating the vandal who grabbed President Donald Trump’s appeal in the mimicry of the Homosassa River, in the condos of Citrus, in the northeast coast of Florida.

Photo: Instagram

The Center for the Biological Diversity of St. Petersburg, on the east coast of Florida, records that the acoustic of this marine species “is a punishable federal criminal offense, with a fine of $ 50,000 and has a year of imprisonment” and exceeds $ 5,000 for the capture of the author’s material material. .

For its part, the save biologist of the club Save the Manatee Patrick Rose points out that the person in charge of the act of vandalism is most likely a person familiar with the manatees, retrieving these birds Click Orlando.com

The Pesca and Vida Salvaje Service is aware that the manatee will not be on duty.

EE.UU ambient authorities. condones the “cruel and illegal mutilation” of the manatee, an alleged species that killed the domino in its condition in the Homosassa River.

Officials of the Pesca and Vida Silvestre Service of the United States and the Vida Silvestre and Pesca Conservation Commission of Florida (FWC) will comment on an investigation into the crime that was committed by the President in the form of appeals.

Record that the manatee was protected by the Ley de Especies in Peligro de Extinction since 1963.

These aquatic mammals are lovers of natural plants.

The Mayor of the years, the mortality of these animals involved in embarrassments, which represents approximately 20% of the known deaths caused by humans, according to the center.

Every year a hundred manateurs are killed by collisions with boats, while navigation in Florida is at its highest point and most likely.

An information from the center found that the Gobierno’s quick access authorization for access control projects and analyzing their collective impacts was probably a key factor behind the shocks with fines, which were the main cause of manate deaths.
