Exist a la Policía at the turn-off of the los turistas en la Isla

Representative of District 23, José ‘Cheito’ Rivera Madera, President of the Tourism and Cooperative Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, told the Puerto Rican Police on Tuesday that their immediate action had been taken against the ‘discontinuation’ shown by tourists in San Juan .

“In the last few weeks we have seen a total check on the number of tourists we visit in San Juan. From harassment, aggression to residents and a total lack of respect for the executive order and the protocols dictated by the Department of Health to prevent the contagion with COVID-19, there have been high levels of the night on Airbnb that do not recognize the authority in la Isla ”, manifested Rivera Madera in written communication.

The recommendation:

The representative indicated that “the situation has become unbearable, because the peddlers of the Puerto Rican Police are immediately informing them of this problem and applying the law to those who have violated it. We can safely follow the security and health of the residents of Isla Verde, Condado and Viejo San Juan, as well as the miles of employees that work in hotels, restaurants and restaurants that provide excellent service to our visitors. The Tourism Company and its director, Carlos Mercado, have all the opportunity to work through the situation, but the Police have acted in it. ”

Rivera Madera insists that “we all want the reactive tourism activity to be possible. Hemos tenido años duros y son miles los empleos que dependen ello, pero este es un pais de ley y orden. We will not send the message worldwide that the disorder is part of the Experience of Visiting Puerto Rico, the Pido to the Police who act and intervene with all those tourists who are in violation of the protocols. In Airbnb’s dues, the exhortamos take the precautionary measures to return their properties, while we are responsible and protect the livelihoods of tourism workers in our island ”.
