Executive Tends a Trick in the Projection Project for Deputies | El Salvador News

The President of the Legislative Assembly, Mario Ponce, said that the draft law presented by the Governor “was set up to be approved, and if so, the Chamber declared the Constitution unconstitutional”.

El President of the Legislative Assembly, Mario Ponce dijo in a television interview that the Executive tended to take a step towards the deputies with the presumption project because it was approved as if it had been unconstitutional.

Although we do not approve of the tenderness problems, there are serious culprits for not giving funds to the Education and Health scalps in addition to other compromises such as those of veterans.

Aggregate that the deputies are disputed to approve the presumption before the end of the year and that there is no vacation idea like the Spotify publicity of the governor.

“This governing body has these characteristics, the characteristics of informing the population, then the population is in this error of creed, it is true that the Assembly establishes open, it is available to session 25 December, if it is possible 26, and is possible 31 December ”, says Ponce.

Signal that one of the unconstitutionality of the presumption was that the 6% that was corresponded to by the correspondent at the Organic Judiciary, although it was $ 51 million, and that it was not available that I had the Fodes for the Municipalities, is that there is no shelf for the alcaldias that are an obligation of ley.

Lee also: Bukele will be sanctioned solely on the basis of the decrees approved by the Assembly for the Presumption of 2021

“It is as if it were an unconstitutional structured venue, not the Fodes estate, and that the alcaldes have no right of this Executive or no Executive of the future or the past, the Fodes is constitutional,” said Ponce.

He stated that the deputies were in the country waiting for some emergence and that for that reason the Ordinary Plenary 144 should be opened for any occasion.

También dijo que tendrían que ver qui akiones va a realize president Nayib Bukele en cuant a los 11 decretes que receipte, si seran sanancados, vetados o con observations de para de actions to be realized by the Assembly.

Although it is clear that the project of the presupposition for 2021 also claims to be invisible to the non-governmental organizations that should be funded by the State, it has realized benefits for groups kwesbaarhede van die la sociedad with the Foundation Cancer, among other organizations.

No amount of $ 300 for alcaldías

The President of the Legislative Assembly, Mario Ponce, also stated that he has not raised an additional $ 366 million in the bid for the Municipalities, as the governor says in the television advertising spot.

Dijo que es mentira que vayan tantos fondos par la alcaldías, pero que sí necesitanis Fondités fondos para obras social orientas aad virencia de violencia, como par la construksion de recreationspasos para diminu de delincuencia en zonas populasas.

“It’s only teenagers who teach the garrison when the level of delinquency is being created, in some public zones, tenets that construct deportation scenarios for them in the course of prevention, so that the children who live in delinquency camps .

Además: Assembly approved 2021 with a minimum pension increase to $ 304 monthly

The Presidency of the Assembly is not for the sake of enrichment

The President of the Assembly also acknowledged that he had carried out a salvation in front of the Salvadoran Parliament of honest form, that this charge was not to be enforced.

It found an assembly that housed local authorities in high-altitude zones for an amount of $ 840,000 in addition to 60 employees who had been contracted illegally, under the management of Guillermo Gallegos’ deputy, GANA when he became president of the Assembly.

“The city that our tenures are approving the presumption with dissemination,” Zelaya signaled in the Front to Front interview.

Proposition of the Executive Era “impassable”

The declarations of Ponce lie that on December 24, during the madrugada, the legislators will approve the project of Presupuesto 2021 with some reassignments that will allow guests to stay, orientate to defining parties and reduce the breach.

“Health, Safety and Education Do Not Touch”, aggregated Ponce este lunes.

“My period in front of the Legislature has been completed with the approval of 2020, which was complicated, and with 2021, which was set up to be approved, and if it is done, the Chamber declared the constitution unconstitutional”, sentence.

Of the $ 1,342.2 million contemplated in the probation project presented by the Government, the deputies reduced the probation break to $ 159 million. Among the projects approved, the deputies will also establish a ban in 2021 on the places of honor. Include one more increase in pensions from $ 204 to $ 304 monthly.

For analysts and politicians, the Executive’s proposal was not viable, it was taken into account in an introduction that would not be accepted.

The National Foundation for the Development (Funde), signaled the estimate that the Government has on ingressos tributaries that will tend in 2021 was not realistic and observed and that it is contemplating an estimate in the recovery between $ 647 million and $ 714.1 million, when the economy is in recession.

Bukele for its part has announced that it will only sanction one of the approved decrees and will see others that contain readings from parties. The President of the Republic hizo the announcement via social speeches the domingo. Announcement that the increase in pensions will be mediated by an agreement between the ARENA, FMLN and PDC parties.
