Executive Odebrecht quoted as key testimony in case of sobornos

Santo Domingo, RD.

Marcelo Hofke, who compares in quality of testimony before the tribunal that adjudicates the case Odebrecht caresses of quality to accredit the agreement between the Brazilian constructor and the Dominican Public Ministry, as long as his company is not in this document.

The plant maintenance is supported by the technical defenses of the defendants in the process, which is known to the Collegiado Primer Tribunal of the National District, which remains valued at the support that Hofke can provide.

Manifestaron que in 2017 -bajo interrogatorio del Ministerio Público- Hofke declared that one of the detainees in the case, Ángel Rondón Rijo, was commercial representative of Odebrecht in the country and no one who would serve as intermediary to distribute sobornos.

“We do not know the tenure of the pay of a soborn, nor the number of which the person who intervened and said fines … what we recognize is that we have a commercial representative contracted in the Dominican Republic, who has taken our representation to works of his companies, who is the lord Angel Rondón Rijo. ”

Aske’s pronunciation Hofke en die ondervraging van 10 de ener 2017 tot 11:30 de la mañana, written by prosecutors Jean Alain Rodríguez and Laura Guerrero Pelletier, a la sazón directora de la Procuraduría Especializada de Persecución de la Corrupción Administrativa Pepca).

The document, which records Hofke’s assertion in the sense that “the paylines were high for services performed during the 2001 years until the close”, was also written by the attorneys Robert Valdez, María Eugenia Batista and by the propio declarant.

However, the Minister of Public Affairs has named Hofke a key witness to the lawsuit and document following it on: which is used for the clarification of the hechos. ”
