Excruzazulinos reveals pros and cons of Juan Reynoso

These are the exuzuzazulinos of Juan Reynoso as the new coach of La Máquina

Executors of Cruz Azul bewaar sy reserves in turn to Juan Reynoso as coach of Máquina Celeste, is well aware of what happened to the player of the team of La Noria and his logos as technical director.

Peruvian Juan Reynoso read the crucifixion to the moon, passing the moon, ahead of the expectations of his affiliation, as well as his directive and the press, and the people who knew how to convince him to say goodbye to him during his stage as a footballer, we also hope that the results will be good.


“On the contrary, there are pros and cons, although it is hoped that it will overcome the time to saber if it is good, or not, its contraction. It is a reference to Cruz Azul, has experience as a coach and fue champion in Peru, while working in Puebla is quite good, it seems that it does not have a level plant “.

“The best this day, that’s exciting, then Cruz Azul needs a champion, more than anything for the demand of the hinchada. The proposal has to be different. also for plant quality; Cruz Azul is a good team, with unbalanced players “.


‘My idea, I really like the number of Juan Reynoso because I have an important experience as a helper and trainer. Know how to focus on the institution, the situation in which the club finds itself; fue captain in the club’s ultimate championship, knows very well his history and likes much Cruz Azul. I believe that I am very capable of making a team champion and as a fan, one creates that he has to do very well “.

“It’s important that Juan is with other players from ’97, like the ‘Conejo’ and Moreno … Is that not it? Ellos van ‘n trabajar para hacer kampeón a Cruz Azul and as the latter deserves the best, that consecrates the objective “.

“Yo quiero que sea campeón ya; estoy con Cruz Azul, estoy junto, siempre sufriendo y no dejo de pensar que sea el año ‘bueno’. ‘Haz que suceda’ está bueno, así la gente se prende y da todo por el team otra vez. This is another opportunity we have for Cruz Azul to be a champion after many years… Hay que creer “.


I believe that Juan is not pregnant; was, to a greater extent, the quarter or fifth option that ten Cruz Azul, but if there is a house loan, you can play in Cruz Azul … For here I found out that sali for a difficulty with José Luis Trejo … There is a park to talk about, but it is very straightforward; My teammate is a very good player and, as with Siboldi, when he is a player, he can know the training of the team, which is important “.

“I believe that it will be very different tactically if it were with Puebla, because there are different players and you are, at least now, how you manage your legacy, that Cruz Azul can empezar a agarrar desde abajo el arraigo. It’s powder to burn the opportunity that other ex-football players celestes estuvieran ahí, in order to create this identity with the player joven and the mayors opportunities “.

I’ve been a crazy guy driving through Cruz Azul and some did not say what they hoped for. Creo que con la llegada de Juan, aunque él también es extranjero, pero conoce la team situation, las entrañas, se puede hacer muy buen traba y van a venir los results, pero paro eso hay dejarlo trabajar “.
