Exalted by Natalia Jiménez on the charge of alcohol abuse, marijuana in automedicarse

Two weeks ago Natalia Jiménez announced the separation of her husband and father, Daniel Trueba. Agreed to what the artist published, convivencia entre ambos había finalized time to return, however, has just passed, presented the divorce petition in the Miami Family Court many years ago, in April 2020.

Without embarrassment, the rupture did not end with pacifism, and the custodian by his wife took him to the courts.

The program “Ventaneando” has the exclusive access to the expedient, where the Spanish solicited the dissolution of the vinyl huweliksmaat.

The song of The Fifth Establishment would establish a parental plan in the juzgados and a timetable for visits for the niece despues that her exmarido and she hayan side incapacity of ponerse of accord.

He also asked that the authority allow him to travel with the niece during his turn and contribute equally to the maintenance guests and that he refuses to pass an alimony to his ex, who works as his manager has done little.

Pero ante estas peticiones, Daniel Trueba no ha ha quedado callado y showr su su desacuerdo con las mismas alleging that the cantante padece a bipolar trastorn, which is automated and that abuses alcohol and marijuana.

For this reason pide la custodia de su hija ya que, además, alega que su exmujer ha pasado el 70 por ciento de 2020 fuera de casa.

In addition, the Monday has resulted in him not being able to travel from country to country, then he will be stunned by the health of his henna in complete coronavirus pandemic. And besides, the countries between the moveria -España and México- they are considered insecure.

With all this, Daniel Trueba has requested that the visits between Natalia Jiménez and her husband Alessandra be supervised by the supuesta instability of the singer.

Trueba también se niega a que su hija accompanien a su madre en las giras y pide que las visits entre madre e hija estén supervisadas debido a la supuesta inestabilidad de la artista
