Ex of Vicente Fernández Jr. lo amenaza con revelar fotos intimate

Karina Ortegón intention to extract to Vicente Fernández Jr., can the money change to change some intimate photographs, aseguró Guillermo Pous, abogado del cantante.

In the program ‘Ventaneando’, the expert in readings said that all commenced when the woman, who had been fired by Fernández Jr., was looking for this necessary effect to detain a scandal en internet que involucraba a su propia hija.

(Karina) the dijo (a Vicente) who needs money to detain a personal assistant of his wife, lamentably filters photos of his wife desnuda, pero le dijo: o me das dinero para detener este asunto, o yo voy a ver la manera de atacarte; as if it were a mistake by Don Vicente ”, detail Pous.

vicente fernandez jr karina ortegón extortion

According to the licensee, Ortegón warns against interpreting that if he does not like what he asks, some images will be revealed in the intimacy, without any previous editors in order to give him his preferences.

“The lord of extortionate to Don Vicente states that he has a great surprise, and that he does not give in to his pretensions, (publishes) a series of photographs that he has in personal situations or intimates between them. it can be manipulated to make you think that Vicente has different preferences’. preocupa porque además no es cierto “, expuso Pous.

I read the letter:

By the way, Guillermo has been told that Karina Ortegón is going to lie to a agree with him and with his client to start the scandalous back.

“I have more than one month, one month and one month, the senator summoned me to work with another of his lawyers, and in this video I made a very explicit comment: ‘I want one tregua, because it’s an appointment, no more and I’m sure he’s supporting ”, signal Pous.

So far, the abogado has proposed that wages be recognized as habitable. mentiras about Vicente Fernández Jr., but she’s black because she’s so hot she’s bad. Moreover, the idea of ​​the empress was to appear alongside the famous and smoke the pipe of peace.

We remember that matrimony of Ortegón and Fernández Jr. ended in October 2020; sin embargo, dejaron de vivir juntos desde enero del same year. Tras su separation, commenced a declaration war between employees, including the imposition of a restraining order and the accusation of having been appropriately committed to his wife. Mientras tanto, in December passed, the song confirms that habia demanded for extraction to Karina and that habia had an order of restriction in return.

Vicente Fernández Jr karina orget demand
