The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has stated that in one of the trips he made to Cuba, he was planning to work with Venezuela to “recover” the power in Bolivia, despite having to abandon the Andean country during the 2019 political crisis. “When I went to Cuba for refugee issues, I went to a planning meeting in Cuba and Venezuela, a high-level meeting to get back on track democracy”, admitió.
Morales, who had governed Bolivia for 14 years, had admitted in the middle of an interview with the EFE news agency. Bolivia travels through the islands to the island since abandoning the power sought by popular and syndicated demonstrations by the OEA-certified electoral fraud. It was launched in December 2019, when a refugee was detained in Mexico, and another was released in February 2020 when he was detained in Argentine territory.
In the interview with EFE on the occasion of the revelation of these visits – if there were any ambush – to plan his return to Bolivia with the participation of the figures of castrism and chauvinism. What is happening is that in both cases the official declaration of his company was made due to medical consultations, as a follow-up to the operation to ensure that the practitioner in Cuba in 2017, and the same amount is known.
The interview with Gabriel Romano, in which Morales confesses he has believed:
-Has he completed 90 days of his flight to the countries of Argentina, how did he find Bolivia?, How did he find his party, the MAS (Movement for Socialism)?
-Bolivia is economically destructive, first by the Government de facto and secondly, also by the pandemic, the digo of a very sincere way. It is said that Bolivia has two pandemics: the virus and the Government in fact on the economic issue. In December, 2,800 million Bolivians (country of the country) had an internal debt to pay the poor and the poor. This flat (diner) alcanzó, creo, que hasta marzo. In December there was no pandemic. In the 13th or 14th year – during his presidency – our members made an internal or external debt to cover salaries. In fact, it is destroying the national economy and so we are deciding that Lucho Arce – the current president of Bolivia -, who knows very well the economic theme, will be our presidential candidate. Y no nos hemos equivocado (…).
Do you have a very structurally themed theme from the golfer, what do you call EE.UU? (which I want to) prescribe to MAS. When he went to Mexico, he had a meeting with the Mexican Chancellor and at a meeting we said (that) the United States will divide the bank of the MAS, the United States does not know that Evo vuelva in Bolivia. I would like to confess, when I went to Cuba on the subject of health issues, a planning meeting in Cuba and Venezuela, a high-level meeting that will restore democracy.
On the other hand, when Alberto Fernández, in a few days of judging as President (of Argentina), invited me to his position, but did not take the podium. Tampoco has a good side effect on its position. And on the next day (I say) sale, which was guaranteed my entry (…). Meanwhile, the German Vice President, Álvaro García Linera, met again as he passed on to the Mexican Chancellor and the chancellor newly ratified by EE.UU. no quiere que Evo vaya a Argentina. Ese golpe has EEUU side for supuesto (for) the theme of the lithium, the economic theme. Well done to Mexico, I received a phone call from the President of Mexico (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) I would like to thank you all, I salute you, thank you very much, excellent attention, to our next visit to Argentina, during this mission EE.UU.
The duration of the battle that we have encountered is that, on the sidelines of internal problems, and some with double discourse, I decided .. my president, hermano president, we are here luchando and another thing that informs me, so it was not new to me. But the theme was to turn to win the elections
– COVID practically expelled Donald Trump from the Presidency, decision. Now how did you get to know Bolivia’s relations with President Biden?
– If the fascist racist capitalism is accepted, vuelve el capitalismo clasista. For me there is no democracy in the United States. The North American people or the state vote, suffrage, but not the governor or the Republicans or the democrats, the governor of the transnational. It’s politics and it’s not going to change. Now there are some social security programs, like with (Barack) Obama, the theme of health, some of which are related to migration, but the background of economic policies in Cambodia. What he thinks in the United States (is) what he designated by God to dominate the world, the sovereignty of the planet corresponds to them.
As with the social movements every two years we meet at our congresses, they also have their regular meetings and the ones that are planned like the people of the world are the poorest and most ignorant. How much more humble, poor and ignorant is the most vulnerable to these dominant, somber and robbery of our natural resources. This is the historical light of humanity. For my United States (with Biden) I will not change, I will have some social programs to implement, but the structural theme will not change.
-In the relationship between Bolivia and the United States, President Jeanine Áñez pushed a Bolivian ambassador in Washington, but did not reciprocate.
-Es así, te usan para destrozarte. It is important to have diplomatic relations with everyone around the world, but with mutual respect. What we respect and our respect and all comply with our responsibilities in the light of the narcotics against, for example, international agreements. It is not the United States that has to donate, to help, to relieve itself of its responsibility as a cocaine user. And in our management we have had everything, indeed, we have not given up, but we also have good results.
-And what is the purpose of being a City Jefe, selling money and terminating a job as a Campaign Jefe?
– The first week in Mexico did not mean what happened, I did not explain. The second week reacted and the day to Álvaro (Linera) is the permanent, ideological, programmatic, cultural, social loop. A puede caerse pero hay levantarse y seguir adelante. Hubo tanta perseccion; lie dije que, por lo menos, median redes y Twitter íbamos a batallar. All in Mexico as in Argentina I would like to say that I have not been able to get refugee or exile on Mexico in Argentina, but by standards and standards I have been working on Bolivia since I was right and approved the means of communication.
-Are you going to post the next election?
-No, legally, constitutionally can but for now, for now I have access to public management, it is my mission now.
-Wouldn’t you like the idea of the Estado golf club to be like the fraud? … the investigations are not advanced.
-Si, tenemos debilidad. It does not apply to the Justice or any agency of the State. First it was demonstrated that there is no fraud, the best will be the October elections of the past year.
-At the moment the country is very polarized, does it not matter that the molestation was that you wanted to opt for a quarter of a mandate and that the people were to saturate their presence?
Here in Bolivia we have demonstrated the continuity of results; eso sí, cuestionan a Evo a Bolivia, pero no a los de Alemania. Each country has its own particularity, evidently the right is very much the theme of continuity.
-How will it be with the creation of pieces and how will it be now?
-Creciendo. For 14 years as president, I have had a lot of money, I was a freak of money (money from money) and I was working, soybean worker (fisherman). I have not been here for 14 years as president, now he is working. Travel by road and car provided, no saco credits. To travel I guarantee the trips to be able to assist in the events.
With EFE information
An indigenous leader in Bolivia who carried out allegations of corruption, condensed into two years of imprisonment