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Biden endorses changing Senate rules to require a ‘talking filibuster’, such as ‘in the old days’

President Biden publicly endorsed the amendment of the Senate’s philosophical rules for the first time on Tuesday, so if a senator wants to block a bill, he or she must deserve it. ABC Stephanopoulos, ABC News, covered the topic in an interview segment released Tuesday night and asked Biden if he “should choose between preserving the filibuster and advancing your agenda.” Biden said yes, but ‘I do not think you should eliminate the filibuster – you should do as it was when I first came to the Senate in the old days,’ when you had to stand up and the floor command, you had to keep talking “and” work for the filibuster. “Stephanopoulos followed up to make sure Biden was’ for the filibuster’s feedback, ‘and Biden said yes.’ That’s what it should be, ‘he said.’ It’s to the point that democracy is difficult to function. ‘ EXCLUSIVE: @GStephanopoulos: “You bring back the filibuster who speaks?” Pres. Biden: “I am. That’s what it’s supposed to be … Democracy has a hard time functioning. “Https://t.co/yOAySBh8dz pic.twitter.com/M59cysphgc – ABC News (@ABC) March 17, 2021 Senate Democrats, representing the 50-50 chamber now leads, every member of their caucus will need to change the filibuster rules, and several moderate Democrats – including Senator Joe Manchin (W.Va.) and Kyrsten Cinema (Ariz.), plus Biden – are against the filibuster But Manchin and other Democrats, recently Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), expressed support for switching back to a filibuster. “The filibuster allows a senator to pass a bill blocked by refusing to speak unless at least 60 colleagues vote to end the debate and go to a vote, “The Washington Post explains.” In recent years, the senator who objected did not have to work for hours to speak, but to block the bill is merely the announcement of an intention to filibuster. Currently, NBC News adds, “the duty is for the majority to find 60 votes to advance legislation; if it falls short, it remains silent. A Filibuster speaking will shift the duty on the minority to keep the word and keep talking until it gives up. or the majority pulls the bill. ‘More stories from theweek.com Cuomo vs. Inslee: A COVID-19 story of two governors Trump urges his supporters to deal with the’ big ‘and’ safe ‘ COVID-19 vaccines to be vaccinated Chess masters can not stop laughing after their tournament with the worst possible moves
