Evaluate integrated transport systems for patients in Vieques

Looking to increase the quality of health services, in particular the transfer to medical citations, to the residents of the Vieques Municipal Municipality, the spokesman for the delegation of the New Progressive Party in the Chamber of Representatives, Carlos “Johnny” Méndez Núñez, sost a meeting with staff of the Department of Health, as well as the Soy Vieques Foundation to delineate the parameters of a maritime transport and patient area program.

“Viequenses merecen a medical service of primary quality, including a medical-hospital facility, modern and permanent, in Vieques and a program of transport of patients and medical quotas made from dicha isla municipio. In order to log in, we will finally explore new alternatives that will allow us to implement an optimal service that takes care of the patient in their hogar, transporting them to the airport – following the Ceiba transport to the medical office and then regressing to his home ”, Commented by the former president of Cámara Baja.

“As far as provision dates are concerned, at present there are 70 patients in Vieques who require, with frequency, to meet their recent conditions with specialists from Iceland. Every week around 27 people are referred to the llama isla grande to visit health clinics, hospitals or attend a medical citation. The majority of its people have advanced edits that make it difficult to use current systems without the necessary assistance. Finally, we will identify ways to facilitate its services and establish a transport coordination system for this type of activity is important ”, added Méndez Núñez, who also represents District # 36 of Río Grande, Luquillo, Fajie, Ceiba, Ceiba and Culebra.

During the conclave, celebrated ayer, lunes, members of the Soy Vieques foundation detail the prayers of a Vieques patient transport plan that includes the person’s accommodation in his hogar, transferred to the Isabel II hospital for pre-reserved care at the Maritime Transport Authority (ATM), the accommodation at the new terminal of the ATM in the antigua naval base of Roosevelt Roads in the municipality of Ceiba to be transferred to the city of the city, however regressed.

To have a situation with the service of the ATM, debit and time increments, between others, the patient will be transferred immediately by an air operator from the regional airport Antonio Rivera Rodríguez de Vieques.

“It’s a concept that needs to be evaluated with a lot of detention and it’s very productive for life. We will continue to study ideas and concepts that will increase the quality of life of the vices, as well as the clebrenses, of direct form ”, culminates Méndez Núñez.
