European powers in Iran immediately cease uranium enrichment ahead of the “very important proliferation risk” kernkrag

Iranian nuclear centrifuges
Iranian nuclear centrifuges

The announcement of the regime of Iran from which the process of uranium enrichment at 20% represent “A very important proliferation of proliferation” kern y “Daña aún más” the international agreement firm in 2015, deploraron el mercoles France, Germany and United Kingdom.

To these three countries establishing the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program “has no civil justification “for this new violation by Tehran, which must” immediately cease “the process of enrichment, following a joint statement.

An Iranian company said it was willing to apply the agreement if it reached an agreement with all the firms, but in the meantime it has decided to enrich uranium by means of the limited limit in Vienna (3.67%).

The decision to move to 20% (which allows more easily the necessary umbrella salt for an army core) has been imposed by the Iranian Parliament, checked since February by the conservators. After the death of a nuclear physicist in an attack that Tehran attributed to Israel, the deputies approved in December a law that requires immediate 20% enriquecimiento (practiced antecedent nuclear), het 120 kg per year had.

For its part, the European Union has signed its “deep preoccupation” with the announcement and adelantó que el bloque “Va a redoblar los esfuerzos para preservar” el pacto.

The renewal of these activities has as much as the background of the increase in tensions between Iran and United States, two weeks before the end of Donald Trump’s term.

“The uranium enrichment of 20% of Iran in Fordo is a clear intention to continue its nuclear warfare campaign, an intention that will follow suit”, said the State Department of State on Monday.

(With AFP information)


The Iranian regime wants to hold Israel accountable for the death of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and to end its “destruction”
