European diplomacy denounces Russia calls for information campaign to “sell its own vaccine” against coronavirus

Josep Borrell, High Representative for the External Politics of the European Union (EFE / EPA / JOHN THYS)
Josep Borrell, High Representative for the External Politics of the European Union (EFE / EPA / JOHN THYS)

Josep Borrell, High Representative for the External Politics of the European Union (EU), Criticism of the disinformation about the covid-19 pandemic was triggered by the media “controlled by the Russian state” that is directed to lands where Moscow has an interest in “selling its own property,” Sputnik V.

“The multilingual media controlled by the Russian state were abruptly informed by the Occidente holiday carriers,” Borrell wrote in a blog post, adding that “These narratives are aptly directed to countries where Russia wants to sell its own property, Sputnik V”.

The European diplomacy underlined that “any intention to instigate infamous speeches will be made public” and warned that Terrorist organizations like Daesh [nombre en árabe para el grupo terrorista Estado Islámico] he also used the confusion of the coronavirus situation to spread his own propaganda ”.

“During the ‘infodemia’ of covid-19, we have seen a generalization and a few days can be the extraneous injuries and the misinformation about our security, our democracy and our societies,” said Borrell.

In the text, the Spanish diplomat said that the information “is not a new challenge”, and alerted that “Some state actors, such as Russia and China, actively participate in these activities” with the end of “socializing and delegitimizing our democratic systems and the values ​​of freedom, pluralism and control and balance over what is at stake”.

The European External Action Service (SEAE) has work teams to carry out follow-up information in favor of the Kremlin and recently published the fifth edition of its Informe Spesiale about disinformation about covid-19 which, according to Borrell, cause considerable deaths during a global sanitation crisis ”.

Borrell also referred to the work of the European Union against the mediated misinformation such as the Rapid Alert System (RAS) o el Action Plan for European Democracy of the European Commission (EC), presented the principles of December, “which focuses on the integrity of elections, the pluralism of the media and the gap against misinformation”.

The governor of Vladimir Putin has been accused of launching an information campaign against the occidental vacancies (EFE / EPA / MICHAIL KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL)
The governor of Vladimir Putin has been accused of launching an information campaign against the occidental vacancies (EFE / EPA / MICHAIL KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL)

Asimismo, demonstrates its confidence in the EU’s rules and regulations’, as the Ley de Digitales Servicios (DSA) en la Ley de Mercados Digitales (DMA), presenting the 15th of December by the Executive Executive, “Proportionate the necessary instruments for greater responsibility, transparency and control of the actions of the platforms” in the face of disinformation and extraneous injustice.

Moscow has repeatedly denied these allegations and claims that Sputnik V is the target of a foreign intelligence campaign.

The Russian Direct Inversion Fund (RDIF), which is responsible for commercializing the vaccine in the foreign country, did not respond immediately to a request for comment from the Reuters agency on Borrell’s statement. The Ministry of Health did not respond immediately to a request for comment. Roskomnadzor, Russia’s media and communications control body, also responded to the report.

The AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company, which is working with the University of Oxford in its vacancy, paused a clinical trial in September debating an onverklaarbaar disease unwillingly.

In these words, the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, I’ve told journalists that the Sputnik V was the most reliable because it was based on a human adenovirus, while the British candidate was a ‘mono’.

The vaccine assays, which use a version of an ineffective virus of the common animal that are found in chimpanzees producing median bioengineering to teach the human cells that produce antigens, are reintroduced into Reino Unido pocos días despuis de organism de seguridad.

Russia sent last week the first lot of its vaccine against the coronavirus in Argentina, part of a dose of 10 million doses. Moscow has signed agreements with various other countries in Latin America and Asia. The dosage dose of the injection is as low as 20 dollars per person.

Meses atrás Rusia also launched a hot pink campaign to ridicule the Oxford vaccine
Meses atrás Rusia also launched a hot pink campaign to ridicule the Oxford vaccine

Since the launch of the carrier for the vaccine against the coronavirus, Russia’s objective has been made clear: to de-escalate the forms developed by Western laboratories such as Pfizer (United States), BioNTech (Germany), AstraZeneca (United Kingdom), and Modern (United States).

With the intention of disallowing all types of expectation and experience in the vacancies of the Western powers, in the last months Moscow launched a huge information and information virus campaign on social media. This strategy includes malware malware – viruses that infiltrate logos and particular devices such as smartphones – that penetrate Latin American media through various countries such as Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Peru and Mexico. Here is the revelation of the Federation of Scientific Scientists (FAS, by its flags in English) in an article published this month.

Ahead of the advance of the western vacancies, and ahead of the low-confidence Sputnik V by its temperament -y polemic- approval, Russia’s mission is to avoid its competitors taking part in the mayor’s exit. My back, the diary The times Discover another impulsive campaign by Moscow, including photos and photos, informs recent television. These diffusions spread to countries such as India, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Mexico, Malaysia, Vietnam and Peru, among others.

A lawyer involved in the campaign said on the British diary that one of the objectives of the media offensive was to place the images in Western portals and countries such as India in Brazil, where Russia is in the process of resigning. It is reported that Borrell’s recent statements about the Russian intelligence campaign in the middle of the pandemic will be refuted.

With EFE information on Reuters

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