European countries detain AstraZeneca’s use of coagulum reports

(CNN) – Denmark, Iceland and Norway suspend the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine while the European Union’s drug regulator invests in injecting it into various types of blood clots.

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Denmark announces a suspension of two weeks the juvenile lie of a series of songs of song in the country, including a fatal case. Iceland and Norway, for example, will not be allowed to continue their suspensions.

The Minister of Health of Denmark, Magnus Heunicke, made it clear that the break was a “precautionary measure” and said that he could not follow suit.

“Actuamos temprano, necesita ser investigado a fondo”, dijo en un tuit.

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The Sanitary Authority of Denmark also stated that the decision was temporary.

“We are in the midst of the largest and most important evacuation launch in the history of Denmark. And now we need all the vacancies we can get. For that matter, pausing one of the vacancies during a break is not an easy decision. But precisely because we have so many vacancies, we also have to respond with attentive attention when we know about possible secondary effects. We need to clarify what we mean by continuing to use the AstraZeneca vaccine, ”said Søren Brostrøm, Director of the Junta Nacional de Salud. in the declaration.

“It’s important to note that we have not been opted for by the AstraZeneca vaccine, even if it is suspended. There is good evidence that the vaccine is safe and effective. But we, like the Danish Medicines Agency, have to respond to information about possible serious secondary effects, as Denmark has other European countries that can demonstrate that the system of sequencing works ».

The case of Iceland and Norway: also suspends the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine

In the statement of a CNN, Kjartan Njálsson, as director of the health in Iceland, the aunque no había informs the patient that desarrollaran coagulos de sangre en el país, institan esperando el consejo de la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA). “There is a lack of data at the moment that we are concerned about,” he said.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has issued a statement stating that the country has also opted to “pause” during the news of a death in Denmark as a result of a blood clot. También also said that he had been informed of cases of coagulation of smallpox when he received the vaccine from covid-19 in Norway, but “mainly in the elderly, he also said he had another suberacent patient”.

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In the wake of this week, various UE countries have discovered the use of dosing that came from a particular lot of the AstraZeneca vaccine, despite the fact that a female from 49 years old in Austria has suffered multiple thrombosis in the household. The EMA tells the markets that “there are no indications” that the evacuation will take place behind the coagulation or death cases.

AstraZeneca defends the security of its vacancy

In a statement to the Jews, AstraZeneca said that patient safety was its “maximum priority”.
The regulators have clear and strict efficacy and safety standards for the approval of any new drug, including the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine. The safety of the vaccine has been extensively studied in Phase III clinical trials and the data revised by couples confirming that the vaccine is generally well tolerated », says the company in a communication.

The Jews, Italy unite in Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia to suspend the use of lot ABV5300. The Danish officials did not specify if their deaths were reportedly related to the same lot.

The EMA said that the ABV5300 lot was carried out in 17 parts of the EU, which consists of 1 million doses of the vaccine.

“Some countries from the UE have also suspended this lot as a precautionary measure, while a full investigation is under way. Although it is considered unlikely a quality defect in this stage, it is investigating the quality of the lot “, the EMA said in a statement.

The investigation is the most recent problem in Europe for the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, which has been seen to produce more vacancies when it comes to tens of millions of doses in the entrances to the European Union.

Italy bans 250,000 doses of vaccine from Australia last week in an effort to protect its nationalists. France says that it should also consider banning exports, while acknowledging the preoccupation with the nationalism of vacancies.

The company also developed resistance in the block, then the regulatory bodies of the member states delayed or failed to recommend the vacancy in mayors of 65 years, citing the lack of data.

Since then, the regulatory bodies of various countries, including Germany and France, have made recommendations to include the major people of 65 years, and the real world data he demonstrated that the AstraZeneca vaccine can be used to prevent it . France limits the vacancy to persons under 74 years of age.

Without embarrassment, anecdotal informers suggest that the people in some parts of the EU todavía choose not to take the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Angela Dewan de CNN contributes important information.
