Eugenio Derbez’s quita la barba y se ve onherroeplik | VIDEO

Mexico City /

The comedian, actor, producer and now future ‘adoptive father’ of varios tik tokers, Eugenio Derbez, surprise in his social speeches with a change of look of 180 degrees, which eliminates his baby there are no varietal years yet, sino todo lo contrario.

If you import what you want, the comedian submits a video to his account of Tik tok making a duo with Mario Aguilar, otro joven comediante las las redes sociales, pero lo que más surprendió n fue su colaboración por la posible adoption de Aguilar, sino el cambio tan radical de Eugenio tras showcasing without barba algo that it has characterized in the last years.

Derbez will be ‘adoptive father’

The Mexican comedian, who has been a member of the United States for some time, launched a convocation for ‘adopt’ a cinco tik tokers and can make different collaborations with them through dicha platform that is relaunched during the quarantine bringing the success.

Derbez has started launching videos with both of them, the ones he has not been selected for, but it is likely that they will be elected Mario Aguilar and Kunno.

Debt to the high demand of miles and miles tik tokers who want to be adopted by Eugenio, the hope is wide, but surely in the next few days the final result will be known.
