EU vacancies are organized in supermarkets

From the 12th of February the rostro of the pandemic cambió dramatically in many states of this country. More than 40 million points from the holiday section are the friend and the mismo noumero de supermarkets and pharmacies, belongs to the national cadences of this largest section of United States.

“We are preparing everything for all adults to be evacuated in May,” the president said in February. Joe Biden; dijo que no sabía cuándo volvería EU has a new normalcy more relaxed and secure, but here are votes for that are sued antes of a year. Aseguró feels good about the advances that are obtained.

Florida is the third state of the nation where the mayor’s vacancy number is applicable. In the sur de Florida, specifically the Miami-Dade County, is one of the most active, having been considered, over New York, the epicenter of the pandemic in the country.

“We are very happy with the way we have been waiting for it, it is fast and efficient. I have 68 years and I intend to be vaccinated in a clinic, but I am still very satisfied; to come here [al supermercado], solo me inscripí en internet, vine y ya salí ”, dijo el cubano-estadounidense Juan Calero. “Mírame, ya estoy muy vieja y no salgo de mi casa; tenía mucho miedo, pero es el supermarket, que más da, pensé, y ya estoy vacunada ”, aseveró Lucila Pérez, de 74 jaar.

“As long as it regresses, it hurts, for a second dose, as if it had failed again and there; ellos me van a avisar ”. Fernando Escobar, 69 years old, and originally from Colombia, was not sure to sign up at the supermarket: was extremely easy and fast, my respect and appreciation ”.

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The system is uncommon, every supermarket and pharmacy chain has opened a registration page since February for women who have been receiving the vaccine for their work. In its webpage, in order and within a fixed time, each registration is pre-established.

“In this way we will see that it flows with significant retreats and a very different one, without major cities and a lot of attention and orientation towards those of you”, said Sergio Benítez, representative of the Fresco magazine in Miami. “For the second dose, each person submits an identification sheet that he / she must submit and present when he or she regresses”.

Each person evacuated will receive a text message, informing the person that the day is the second dose, in accordance with availability. Each day, each supermarket and pharmacy receives a promissory note of 100 vacancies for their application.

If it is considered, as an example, that the supermarkets Publix af Miami suman 136, quiere decir que solo esa cadena esta applicat un un promedio 13 mil 600 diarias. Pero en toda la Florida hay 730 Publix, which equates to a 73 million vacant al día en el estado. Therefore, it is estimated that only supermarkets and pharmacies in Florida are applying more than 100 miles of diaries, also considering the prices Walgreens, Winn-Dixie, Navarro, Walmart and CVS, among others.

‘The speed with which it was organized [para vacunar] and it’s easy and fast that it’s resulting, we have a lot of desire to be very dependent on when we go to talk, ”said emotional Isabel Badilla, of Mexican descent, and with 12 years in Miami. “Nadie diria que estuvimos [en el sur de Florida] in such a small situation a few months ago; quizá nada vuelva has to be exactly like the antes, but we will see that we volvamos have a more normal norm. One of the things that is lamentable is that which succeeds in Mexico; solo florida ya vacunó a más persona que el gobierno mexicano, es una vergüenza ”.

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Since starting vacancies in United States, Florida, it has planted two million. This first phase of immunization is conducted to all types of medical personnel, including auxiliaries, dentists and nurse practitioners; men and women intentions and administration; police, bombers, rescuers and all emergency services; workers of the camp and of the construction, supply, repairers and ladders of limpieza; men and women of 65 years in adelante and persons between 16 and 64 years with some morbidity or risk of illness; communicators, periodicals and all that due to the need for their work or activity related to the obligation to be on call or to transfer to various places.

From March 3, in Florida, the governor Ron DeSantis order that sean the physicians, of any specialty, who also signal as patients or cues patients, under the conditions as signals, must be evacuated from intermediaries.

The vacancies that have been applied in Florida son Modern and Pfizer / BioNTech; también se sumará Johnson & Johnson.
