EU Senate votes Trump’s political juice is constitutional

The senators in Donald Trump’s second historical trial have agreed to proceed with the case, reiterating the intention of the president’s defense team and some Republican ally to avoid the trial because it is not in the cargo area.

The result of the March vote on the Senate has its jurisdiction and stage of proceedings, in favor of 56 and 44 against. The vote concluded three hours of arguments by Trump’s attorneys and the Democratic fiscals, who accused the president of inciting the disturbances in the Capitol on January 6.

The fiscal juicy court will hold an additional vote for Republicans, Delador Bill Cassidy. One week ago, Cassidy voted in favor of deciding the case, but March voted in favor of proceeding. Republican Senators Susan Colllins, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Pat Toomey and Mitt Romney also voted’n guns.

In the past, Cassidy has stated that the arguments of the fiscal juices are “solid” and that there is a “very good aperture”.

“Always say that abortion is with an open mind,” said Cassidy.

The recommendation:
