EU is ‘preoccupied’ with Russia’s intolerance for freedom of expression


The Secretary of the United States, Antony Blinken, sijo el sábado que su paais staba “profundamente preoccupado” por la creciente intoleroleria de Rusia hacia la libertad de expressione, en el sexto anniversario del assesinato del politico opositor Boris Nemtsov.

Presidential Criticism Vladimir Putin, Nemtsov was assigned to shoot at a Moscow bridge near the Kremlin on February 27, 2015.

‘Al rekord a Nemtsov“We will reaffirm our questionable compromise with human rights and fundamental freedoms”, said Blinken in a statement.

“We are deeply concerned about the criminal intolerance of the Russian government because of all forms of Independent expression,” he said.

Various miles of Russians, together with Western diplomats, meet in Moscow to commemorate the anniversary, depositing flowers in an improvised monument in the village where Nemtsov was beaten with four balacas.

In 2017, a tribunal declared an official antiguo de las fuerzas de seguridad de Chechnya debtor of Nemtsov’s assessee and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Other men were reportedly guilty of participating in the assignment.

For the family of political assassination and its parties insist that the authorities did not give in to the intellectual authors before the justice.

Blinken paid tribute to Nemtsov as a man who “dedicated his life to building a free Russia and democracy“.

“Those who are defending their liberties and democracy in Quarrel siguen being the object of attacks and assassinations “, dijo, recalling that” the Russian people are doing something better “.
