EU. ‘El Chapo’ denunci’human conditions’ in prison: abogados

New York /

Joaquín’s defense, El chapo, Guzmán, denounces the circumcision sentences in which the cape lives in the maximum security prison of Florence, Colorado, where a perpetual narcotics case is committed, conditions that are classified as “cruel” and “inhuman”.

“Since his release to the United States, Senator Guzmán has been detained under conditions of cruel and inhumane conditions,” equivalent to a physical and mental torture“, aseguraron los abogados de El chapo to the judicial authorities in a document obtained by various local media.

The man who directs the time card of Sinaloa passes the mayor’s part of the time in a cell of the anchor metro at 3.5 of long, except for hours on weekdays, in which is transferred by the guards of the car to a new metro square covered.

Among other queues, the abogados of El chapo Aseguran that his client only speaks Spanish and that the employees only speak to him in English and support that he denied access to canals in Spain and educational programs.

The quality and quantity of the comida and the limpieza of its celda he is one of the narcotics’ queens who had previously shown his disgust at the conditions of his confinement.

“It has taken care of the quality and quality of the comedies and explained that the portions are minimal and that they come with ham“, write the abogados.

In February 2019, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in a federal court in New York his defense team classifieds “extremely restrictive” the conditions of his incarceration when found in the New York Metropolitan Penitentiary Center.

Earlier in the year, several of his lawyers, who in June 2019 announced that his client would spend hours on the prison floor, juez Brian Cogan responded to the request, ensuring that his confinement tenia “the legitimate objective of avoiding escape from prison or that order any attack against individuals who cooperate with the governor “.

According to the recent writing of Joaquín Guzmán, his terms, if any, have been published, in the name known as “Alcatraz de las Rocosas”.

