EU declares no agreement with Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico to militarize frontiers

Washington, United States

United States declares these markets have no new security agreements with Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras to mobilize troops and police as part of their strategy to freeze the irregular immigration, and exchanged the importance of the joint work to confront this phenomenon and wait for its causes.

El special envoy of EE.UU. for the North Central Triangular Triangle, Ricardo Zúñiga, announced a subcommittee of the Chamber of Deputies that President Biden’s Administration Joe Biden has not signed any agreement of this type.

“No agreement has been reached with the Governors on frontier security matters”, Zúñiga responded to a question from Hispanic congressman Joaquín Castro.

The Texas Legislature dijo has been informed in advance by the Department of State that the versions regarding the presumptions are not accurate and signal the lack that generates between human rights organizations the possible use of policies and militaries to free the indigenous immigrant law.

Zúñiga aclaró así un annuncio hecho el lunes por la spokesman for Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, which indicates that EE.UU. has reached agreements with Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala to mobilize militaries and police on its fronts.

One day after the Psaki affirmations, Mexico responded that since then “more than one” has deployed 12,000 people, including soldiers, migrant agents and other staff, to slow down the migration and especially the traffic of minors.

‘N Su vez, Guatemala and Honduras negaron has signed a new agreement.

The EE.UU envoy, who recently visited El Salvador and Guatemala, stated that there is agreement with these countries on the importance of “working together and working to manage migration, in a way that increases security” of each country, and allows the Governors to apply the law on their fronts as the United States has done “.

For Zúñiga, the current influx of migrants from Central America is “part of a recurring pattern” that is fueling massive migration, among other causes identifying insecurity, the lack of opportunities and the busyness of a better life.

A report by Casa Blanca indicates the March that the countries of the North American Central Triangle were collaborating on in the past in “slowing down irregular migration”, which was considered a “shared challenge”.

La Officas de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP, in English) revealed that in March 172,331 undocumented people were intercepted on the frontier in Mexico, a 70.6% more than in February of this year and the mayor monthly figures in 20 years.

Altesaam 18 890 eran immigrants minors de edad que llegaron a territorio estadounidense solo’s.

This Wednesday, the Vice President of EE.UU., Kamala Harris, announced its intention to travel “promptly” to Mexico, Guatemala and possibly to other countries in Central America to work on “making progress on irregular causes” that would lead to irregular immigration during an ongoing meeting.

The Vice President, to whom Biden agreed the mission to coordinate with the countries of Central America to intend to free immigration irregularly, no matter if it also travels to the other countries that form the Triangulo Norte, donde procede la Mayoría de los immigrantes que llegan a la frontera entre México y EE.UU.

Harris is considering EE.UU. has the opportunity to proportion to Central Americans “some kind of experience that, if at home, the help is on the road”.
