EU Censorship Retreats and Complicates Trump’s Plan to Exclude Documents


Read the first of the year and the Office of the United States Census compiles the place established to enter before December 31st the dates of the census, and each day the President Donald Trump’s plans to exclude the undocumented immigrants national.

Esta misma semana, la Censo Office reconsidered that he had his techniques “worked arduously” to process the data collected in the census in Iban to be able to enter the president the numbers before the “fecha límite wettig“.

Finally, this advertisement and the body that depends on the Department of Commerce’s first collection since it was launched in 1976 on December 31st, as well as limited, and all effects on the coronavirus and cambios pandemic work. last hour on behalf of Gobierno Trump.

“We will continue to process the recovered data and plans to establish a complete and accurate state population record for its distribution in 2021 principles, the most likely possibility of a legal limitation”, indicates the Censo Office in a communiqué.

However, the passing days and the presidency of Trump concluded the 20th of January and were given options to conclude a plan that was enacted in a legal dispute involving the Supreme Court of the United States, which in December rejected a request against Trump’s order to exclude the undocumented from the census should be considered as soon as possible to evaluate the issue.

The census is conducted in United States 10 years before the constitutional mandate, and the proposal to count all the persons present in the country is the representation of the states in the Congress and the Electoral College for the next decade, and thousands of millions of dollars for programs of infrastructure, hospitals, schools and social assistance.

The president believes that, even if it is the decadent empowerment of the accountants, the undocumented immigrants will not be held in the near future in the area of ​​political and financial assignments.

Trump instructed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in July to present the results of this year’s census, with one of them excluding undocumented immigrants. The president creates that some states maintain a mayoral representation that the mercury debits the number of undocumented that all live.

The Constitution stipulates that the debt must be paid to all persons living in the country, but Trump, in a memorandum issued in July and for the first time in the history of the republic, authority is given to exclude undocumented immigrants when the moment of distribution is represented.

An employee of the Office of the Censo, who has a condition of anonymity, indicates the radio public domain (NPR) that works to be able to meet before the 9th of January on the date of processing the data, as not to preview the final results del censo.

“If we lose the 9th of February, it is difficult to imagine that we will have the distribution (of scans in the Chamber of Representatives and electoral votes of the states)” before the election of President Joe Biden, the 20th of January, dijo el empleado.

Y con Biden en la White House, the Democrat will push for the Trump memorandum and decide which numbers will be Congress for his final certification.

As an example, and following an analysis by the Pew Center about the Censo Office’s population projections in 2019, it concluded that the criterion of Trump, California would be lowered in the Chamber of Deputies, to allow for one anticipated, meanwhile Florida is a one-stop shop in Texas and Texas has a three-star hotel.

California is democratically democratized, while it Texas is Republican and Florida is considered the principal state bisagra, although in the last of the presidential elections he supported the conservators.
