Etecsa offers new Virtual Private Service Leasing Service ›Cuba› Granma

The Cuba Telecommunications Company (Etecsa) provides information on the new Virtual Private Virtual Service (VPS) leased line service, which allows all websites and application programs.

It facilitates clients to access virtual servers on demand, with the help of an instant catalog that includes a list of predefined services with operating system and specific pre-installed and configured applications, including information and official note.

It is covered by a unique subscription plan of 250 people and the VPS service offers residents in Cuba Mayors 18 years interested in joining and administering web pages or content interests, software developers and applications.

In order to be solicited, interested parties should be directed to the commercial unit of Etecsa that specializes in its residence, where it will be able to buy the subscription of the service, sign the contract and, once a company, have 24 hours to notify the customer , by electronic mail, the habilitation of its service.

It is required for the contract and use of the service that the customer has an e-mail address nauta ([email protected]), which is used for the authentication in the management interface and for receiving the information related to the invoice. If you do not have one, you will need to contact us via the currently established visas.

The offer includes a public IP address, mediating the number the client administers on its virtual server and disposing of it, from the management interface, to a panel of Basic Operations, in addition to activating Pago’s Additional Services desee.

From the express company that is guaranteed, for the assistance and response to the customer, as a priority, the electronic mail, through the management [email protected], available 24 hours of attention. The customer must specify in the support of the mail any interruption “Report VPS”, to facilitate its classification.
