ETECSA has increased international rates for international charges

La monetary unification o “Planning OrderTrajo consignees a significant increase in the cost of products and services in Cuba and, above all, the State Monopoly of telecommunications in Cuba (ETECSA), no podium quedarse fuera en matteri de su tarifa. Agreed with a source consulted by Cubans around the World, the price of international haberdashery has increased considerably.

Agreed with the source, which is affiliated with an agency that provides ETECSA’s recovery services in the extraterrestrial, receives a message informing about the new media, has not been informed by the dictatorship.

Feliz 2021- Estimated Associates. Debt to the monetary unification ETECSA has increased the rate for International Charges ”, the message was received.

OTRAS-KENNISGEWINGS: ETECSA block communication of members of the San Isidro Movement

The source does not specify a series that has been significantly increased by ETECSA in its tariff, but it is maintained that the company does not have to comply with the cost of its services, which is elevated, we can assume that the new price will be much mayor has visited countries with world-class mobile internet services, nothing compared to the precarious performance by the barrister company.

The ETECSA has announced the adaptation of its Internet tariff to the new economic panorama of the country, with plans to increase its cost by the medium wage.

The most “economical” plan that ETECSA has available for Cubans is 25 Cuban Pesos (CUP) called a “corrosive ball” that offers 50 megas of navigation. The “LTE diary bundle” has a cost of 25 CUP and 200 MB for LTE red.

  • 1GB LTE – 100 CUP – 1GB
  • 400 MB – 125 CUP – 400 MB and 500 MB in LTE
  • 600 MB – 175 CUP – 600 MB in all languages ​​and 800 MB in LTE
  • 2.5 LTE – 200 CUP – 2.5 Gbs and LTE
  • 1GB – 250 CUP – 1GB and 1.5GB in LTE
  • 2.5 GB – 500 CUP – 2.5 GB and 3 more reasons and LTE
  • 4GB – 750 CUP – 4GB in all drives and 5GB in LTE
  • 14 GB – 1125 CUP – 4 GB in all drives and 10 GB in LTE

Cuban Redaction by the World
