Estudio: El eiercicio regularly protects the COVID-19 of the hospitalización y la muerte

Regular fasting habits appear to be the best way to address the serious complications of COVID-19, a new study of more than 48 miles of Kaiser Permanente patients in southern California.

Kaiser members who are informed that he regularly performs at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise during the week – especially a fast or more intensive diagnosis of COVID-19 have significantly lower hospitalization rates, including those who estimate their weekly semesters in 10 minutes or less.

The results were less dramatic, but only visible, for those who wish to take action between 10 and 149 minutes per week.

Investigators have discovered that the risk of hospitalization for those with ten activity levels is twice as high as for those who move at least 2.5 hours each week. Activity levels are also correlated with mortality rates, which are approximately 2.5 times higher than the tens of activity levels.

Constant physical inactivity results in a more serious risk factor than cardiac diseases, diabetes, renal diseases and pre-existing arterial hypertension in the group of studied patients. Only hecho de haber tenido a transplant of organs previo or an embarrassment at the moment of infection is correlated with major probabilities of hospital infarction related to COVID.

El Dr. James Sallis, Professor Emeritus of the School of Public Health Herbert Wertheim of the University of California at San Diego and co-worker of the work, said that the results were refuted as the research showed constant and creative form and many types of nurses.

“Physical activity is one of the most powerful health products that exist and, without embarrassment, is largely ignored in the majority of medical attention,” he said.

Since then, empirical evidence has always been solid in the case of cancer, for example. It has been demonstrated that cancer patients with their main types of illness have significantly better results if followed by self-care during the illness course.

As a result, Kaiser was perfectly positioned to study physical activity between grace cancers and an initiative initiated in 2009 that provided all patients with estimates of levels of urgency during routine consultation visits.

A team of investigators led by Dr. Robert Sallis, Kaiser’s Fontana Sports Medicine Specialist, not related to his UCSD colleague, analyzes aggregate data from the electronic clinical history of 48,440 Kaiser patients in all of California who diagnose COVID-19 between the 1st of January and the 21st of October of 2020, only to water those who estimate their levels of activity at least three times in the first two years.

Graph of Kaiser study on activity levels of COVID-19 patients

Dado that medical histories reflect the data generally recorded antes that the patients dieran positive, indicating the habits of pre-existing ejaculation. At the end of the day, the covids of the COVID-19 suelen include the well-established routines of self-esteem.

Anne Swisher, professor of physiotherapy at the University of Virginia Occidental who has studied extensively the effects of physical activity on health, said the conclusions of the document are interesting. It is claimed that Kaiser’s initiative to record physical activity as a vital sign of the same manner as factors such as altitude, weight and arterial pressure are routine parts of each visit to the consultation and lead in industry.

Advise the public to avoid thinking that those who do not have enough ownership of their belongings. In many cases, women who do not have much can have an illness in another condition that makes their life more sedentary than the taste buds.

“People who are very sedentary can have major barriers to physical activity, such as important mobility issues, such as wheelbarrows,” said Swisher.

James Sallis, who devoted much of his career to studying the effects of self-care on health in general, said that the results should be a warning to the public health community.

Alleged that, although he and his colleagues insisted that the complaint be made, all possible possessions were made an important part of the message regarding the pandemic, together with the petitions to wash the manes and use mascarillas, this is generally the case

Given a lost opportunity, Dijo Sallis said, there are many investigations that demonstrate that the muscles of the body produce essential compounds for the functioning of the immune system and the reduction of inflammation.

“We believe that we do not prioritize our concerns about physical activity during the pandemic, when the message is generally given in the case,” said Sallis. “We hope that the data of this work is considered a good proof that we can not ignore the power of physical activity during our response to a pandemic”.

“A message that physical activity can protect acabar in the hospital, in my opinion, could have saved many lives during the past year, but also said that it was too late to empress”.

Swisher stuvo de acuerdo.

Do not stare at more, say in an electronic mail, record to the public as much as possible if the owner is a good doctor at a time when everything is blocked and the time of panting is going to increase.

“Physical activity is a ‘medicine’ with many effective effects,” he said.

The study was first published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine on March 13.
