Estrellas latinas bendicen la llegada del año nuevo y despiden el aciago 2020

Great Latin stars like Estefan, Sofía Vergara and Eva Longoria, among many others, approve in the last hours the social speeches to dispel an aciago 2020 market for the coronavirus pandemic and wish worldwide health and happiness for the year to come.

Longoria, texas actress de origen mexicano dijo que a “pesar de la locura y el chaos” del 2020 se mostro agradecida por et timo pasad en familie y el apoyo y amor “infinito” recibido en los ultimos meses y pidió que la gente celebre con alegría la llegada del 2021.

Similar sentiments on the part of Luis Fonsi or the humorist George López, who say that the year 2020 “will definitely be a year for being AGRADIOUS about what we have”.

In a message with family photos and with friends and colleagues of the profession, Juanes reconciles that in 2020 there will be an “extra” year, and, yes, the job also has many “lessons”, the Colombian song is summed up in the label “# adios2020 “with what miles of people despise this year with great joy, sadness and hope.

The Mexican Thalia apostate for a positive tone and burn the past night “For love, salute, allegory and life!”.

“We have sorevividu to this year and the hemos hecho from a very special perspective, the love that we have one”, dijo the artist in a video posted also on Instagram and in which he distances himself that the world is “totally different to como arranged the year “, then humanity has” spiritually created “.

Sofia Vergara, who is enjoying these days in a paradise lying next to the sea, posted on Instagram a video in which she discusses the traditional artificial fugitives of the Nochevieja and gives a message of hope for the new year: To hope that all ustedes y los suyos se mantengan saludables, felices y seguros! “.

“Bendito sea Dios” que se acaba el 2020, dijo el cantante de orien mexicano afincado en los Estados Unidos Pepe Aguilar, quien reconokio que el pasado año fue “muy diferente” y “nadie sabía de qué mannera nos iba a cambiar”.

“ADIÓS 2020”, written así, in mayúsculas the cheer of the Mexican singers and actors Antonio Aguilar and Flor Silvestre, who passed away on November 25th to the 90th year of edad.

And Gloria Estefan and his wife, Emilio, will publish a video on the social network in which we wish him all the best and much more greetings: “We will have the best days in 2021!

The actor from Cuban origin Andy García contests with various races and the motto of “everything is better for 2021”.

And yes in his own account, Garcia quotes the phrase of the writer William Arthur Ward “The pessimist is the one of the wind; the optimist hopes that the change; the realist adjusts the wheels” to ask the world to adjust the wheels in 2021, “so that when we change we can recover our rumbo. Greetings and congratulations on the new year “.

Mexican professional and origin companion Jessica Alba dijo in a video on the social network TikTok that will be “hearted” from the year 2020 and on Instagram dio the welcome in 2021: “We live in the positive lad”.

And the salsero neoyorquino of puertorriqueños Marc Anthony tiró of the letter of one of his most known songs to despise the year.

“A veces llega la lluvia PARA SANAR LAS HERIDAS. Que el 2121 sea esa lluvia que nos sane a todos. Lo importante es seguir unidos y no olvidarnos de vivir la vida”, dijo en Instagram.
