Esto piensan Galilea Montijo y Andrea Legarreta de la salida de ‘El Burro’ de ‘HOY’

The day of today, the televised broadcast of ‘HOY’, initiated a new stage then Jorge ‘El Burro’ Van Rankin it will not be part of the conductor’s unit, so it will be replaced, will be replaced by Arath de la Torre, who has been invited to various stages he has seen the San Angel show, but, what does G thinkalilea Montijo y Andrea Legarreta about the salute of ‘El Burro’ and the actor’s lie?

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In an interview with the prince of spectacles that esperaban afuera of the television, Galilea Montijo dijo sentirse feliz con la incorporation de Arath de la Torre y porque están estenande scenografía; “New house, new scenography and new conductor, very content. With Arath has lived with her in ‘Big Brother’, acuérdense, tenemos varios proyectos, también hice con él ‘La hora de la papa’, has been many times invited to ‘HOY’ and we have many content to receive a new conductor ”, Dijo la tapatía.

Respect for the health of Burro Van Rankin, Galilee dejó intervenes with the possibility of taking some temporary leave; “Burrito seems to have a lot of work to do this year and also likes us a lot because he likes new things, he knows that it’s part of the ability to regress”.

Andrea Legarreta, for his part, assured that he would be pleased with the new incorporation of Arath de la Torre; “We are surprised by the news of Arath but also with a lot of taste in the receipts, he is very much, he is very talented, he is a very good conductor, he was a step letter when the program ‘HOY’ was arranged, always coming at home ”.

We will record that since 2020, the Van Rankin Bureau has not been present since this year; that in August, the conductor salió of the magazine matutina to participate in the grabs of the second period of the comic series ’40 and 20 ‘; to end this project, the failed producer Magda Rodríguez the week of more vacation vacations to enjoy the legacy of his third birthday. During this period, appeared under the direction of Arturo Carmona, who announced the program in November, when ‘El Burro’ reintegrated.

Van Rankin ” El Burro ‘is not alone; hooi más salidas …

Agreed with the periodical Alex Kaffie, Van rankin is not the only conductor who is on the matinee of the San Angel television, including the model, actress and conductor Marisol González, but explained that she is alone during the week.

Marisol González, who integrated into Hay hace casi dos años, no estará in the program debido a ha ha presented sinstomas de COVID-19, sin embargo, todavía ne lo confirmma ni lo descarta, señalo el periodista en su columna para un medie de circulación national.

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