Estados Unidos envió un buque de asalto anfibio al Mar de China Meridional en realizó eercicios con fuego real

El buque de asalto anfibio USS Makin (Twitter)
El buque de asalto anfibio USS Makin (Twitter)

United States increased its military presence in the Sea of ​​China Meridional, in the middle of the Beijing’s most aggressive maneuvers each in this Indo-Pacific Strategic Zone.

Between the night of the markets and the madrugada of the Jews, the belly of the asphalt multipurpose USS Makin Island and the transport bucket anfibio USS San Diego navigate through Malacha Strait, to show satellite data obtained by the China Meridional Strategic Situation Initiative Initiative (SCSPI), an organization licensed in Beijing.

Los marineros del USS Makin Island realizaron además “A training exercise with real fuel”, according to the Jews, the Command of the Indo-Pacific of the United States the Jews, together with a hashtag that calls for a “Free and open Indo-Pacific”.

(Twitter / @ INDOPACOM)
(Twitter / @ INDOPACOM)
(Twitter / @ INDOPACOM)
(Twitter / @ INDOPACOM)

The presence of the bucket anfibio is registered when a group of porters is led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt realized ownership with Malaysia the martes and mercols.

According to SCSPI, the guiados missile destroyer USS Mustin also operating in the China Oosterse Sea on Saturday; asimismo, the destroyer of the stadium USS John McCain passed by the Estrecho of Taiwan the mercoles.

In response, China spreads its Liaoning portals from Miyako’s Strait donate to the surest of Japan to realize “programmed assets” near Taiwan.

Chinese Liaoning portaaviones in Miyako near Okinawa (Japan Defense Ministry / Reuters)
Chinese Liaoning portaaviones in Miyako’s street near Okinawa (Ministry of Defense of Japan / Reuters)

The current situation in which Beijing must repair the menos and entertain the hacerse con casi todo El Mar de la China Meridional, a strategic maritime force where it is created that it has valuable deposits of petroleum and gas, and which is also advertised by Taiwan, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Japan y Vietnam. An international tribunal ruled in 2016 that el reclamo chino no ten base legal.

Special maneuvers are especially prevalent in Taiwan, which separated China from the end of a civil war in 1949 and lived to the constant dismay of an invasion of the continent’s governor, many leaders promised to do so on some day. El miércoles, the island denounces that other 15 planes of the continent have entered their air defense zone.

In the last few days we also increased the preoccupation of the Philippines: 200 boat boats were seen first on March 7 in the Whitsun arrondissement, some 320 kilometers west of Palawan Island, although many of them have been dispersed by Spratly Islands. China has been holding seminars on filming in the Philippines to retaliate. that Manila is entering illegally in its exclusive economic zone.

The Chinese books in the Whitsun arrears on March 27 (Guardia Costera de Filipinas / National Task Force-West Philippine Sea via REUTERS)
The Chinese books at the Whitsun arrears on March 27 (Guardia Costera de Filipinas / National Task Force-West Philippine Sea via REUTERS)

In front of the most aggressive maneuvers, United States of America records the markets in Beijing the obligations of Washington with its allies.

“A military strike against the armed forces, the public books of the Philippine Airports in the Pacific, including the Meridian China Sea, will dismantle our obligations under the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and the Philippines”, verklaar a los periodistas el portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Ned Price.

“We share the preoccupation of our allied Filipinos with the continued concentration of maritime militias of the Popular Republic of China near Whitsun Reef”, dijo Price, refiriéndose a la República Populêre China.

Washington also sent a reply message to Taiwan via the new Chinese letterhead.

Price expressed as “preoccupation” with Chinese goods, indicating: “United States maintains the ability to resist any recourse to force in other forms of coercion that could jeopardize the security or economic system of Taiwan’s people.”


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