Estados Unidos condemns a Russia envenenamiento to a Navalny

(CNN) –– Joe Biden’s governing body imposes a series of sanctions against Russian officials and entities this March, as they respond to the resignation and resignation of opposition leader Alexey Navalny.

The actions will be taken in coordination with the European Union, which will also be subject to sanctions. In addition, it is the first significant medium against Moscow since Biden occupied the wreck.

The Department of Treasury of the United States is sanctioned by high officials of the Russian government. The Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s Deputy Chiefs of Staff, the Minister of Defense, the Director General of Taxation, the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the head of Russia’s Security Services, the FSB. In addition, the Department of State sanctioned the FSB as entity. A design that the spokesman for the Ned Price department says is “haunted by cream that is culpable.”

Multiple sanctions against Russia

A high-ranking official from Biden’s governing body revealed this March that the intelligence community was evaluating with great certainty that the FSB arrived in Navalny in August 2020 with the neurotoxic agent Novichok. A CNN and Bellingcat investigation has identified FSB specialists following Navalny ahead of time.

Navalny was detained when he returned to Russia in mid-January. The leader of the opposition passed the five previous months in Germany, receiving compensation for the incident that happened on the day of his death.

Additionally, the Department of Commerce aggregates 14 parties to the list of entities for its participation “in activities that conflict with national security and the interests of the United States external policy”, indicates another high official. “Specifically, these parts are involved in various aspects of the production of biological and chemical agents,” he said.

Escalating diplomatic crisis between Russia and the European Union 2:07

In addition, the State Department amplifies existing sanctions against Russia under the Law of Elimination of Armed Forces and Control of Armed Chemistry and Biology. These sanctions are imposed after Russia invades Sergey Skripal’s ex-girlfriend in Great Britain in 2018.

Additionally, the department sanctioned the Russian military intelligence agency, the GRU. As well as the agents of the regime have “participated in activities that contribute materially to the position, transport and use of massive arms of destruction on the part of Russia. A saber, the chemical chemistry Novichok », is located in a technical file of the Department of State. The agents “will make an appointment with the neurological agent Novichok in Great Britain in 2018”, said the document.

Of the persons who have been sanctioned by the Department of the Treasury, they are also subject to the sanctions of the European Union and the United Kingdom for the convenience of Navalny. In addition, the European Union has been sanctioned by the opposition leader.

Sanciones A Russian boy and ‘castigo significantly’

Officials of the EE.UU Governorate consolidate the importance of complementary actions taken by the United States and the European Union. The block of sanitation to four Russian citizens this March.

“Our sanctions are significant. The actions of Europe are significant. In addition, this is a significant increase for Russia. It is a significant sanction that Russia has not been subject to until today, “said Price, spokesman for the State Department this March.

“When the United States and Europe act in conjunction, when we are both mediating for these costs, these costs are notarized in Moscow. It is also noteworthy that the international community has the voice to subvert the norm that the arms can never be used. At no moment, in no place and by no means. It’s a clear signal that buscomos will send to our allied and most close societies, “he added.

«EE.UU. compare preoccupaciones de la Unión Europea »

The Secretary of State Tony Blinken said in a statement this March that the United States shares “the preoccupations of the European Union with respect to authoritarianism that are most profound in Russia”. It also states that the “determination” of the block of “impressive sanctions on Russia is under way with its new global human rights authorities”.

The Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) has reached its final results by presenting a list of 35 people in a Biden-led map. From this figure, also persons are numbered as priorities for the sanctions, given the foundation. Among the priority individuals is the Russian multimillionaire Roman Abramovich and the Minister of Health of Russia, Mikhail Murashko. None of the sanctioned United States this March.

Navalny’s cinematographic work on the Russian agent 4:50

Without embarrassment, a high-ranking official of the administration said periodically on a Tuesday that preserves “the capacity of more than one.” Y, ya saben, depending on our evaluation of speed behavior in the future, we will apply more options depending on the need ».

“It is clear … that the Russian officials were appointed by Senator Navalny for his activism and his efforts to reveal inconvenient values ​​regarding the corruption of the Russian officials and that there are legitimate citizens of Russia with their governor and politicians. functionary. “We are using our authorities to send a clear signal that the use of Russia’s chemical weapons and the violation of its international compromises by human rights groups have serious consequences.”

Aliados elogian la medida

Legislators and allies of the United States, including Britain, praised the sanctions. Dominic Raab, the Secretary of State for External Relations in this country, said that the British governing body “welcomes the sanctions of the European Union in the United States against those responsible for arbitration and arbitrary detention” of Navalny.

The Russian officials are keeping quiet about the details of the sanctions. However, the spokesman for the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, said this March that, in general, the policy of sanctions “does not have its objectives.”

“For those who continue to do so, they may say, there is no such thing as any kind of restriction in the form in which they conduct bilateral aid.” Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly. And if it is just empowering the bilateral relationship … as this policy is effective «, Peskov said in a conference call with journalists.

“And the answer is serious: this policy is not sticking to its objectives,” he said.

Can you get more sanctions against Russia

Navalny accuses Poetin of supuesto envenenimiento 2:54

Governor Biden asserts that the United States sanctions on the Navalny initiative are only the first of a series of responses to Russian actions. In this sense, it is clear that there is “more to read” in various fronts, including the cyber attack on SolarWinds.

All officials of the administration have made it clear in a statement to journalists that Russia has a strong relationship with President Donald Trump. Indeed, the executor received multiple criticisms of being mixed with Moscow and with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The tone and status of our talks with Russia and our talks on Russia will be very different from those in the previous administration,” said one of the officials.

It is the function of the administration that the United States will not “restructure” or intensify its relationship with Russia. In addition, the goal of the governing body of Biden is to have a “predictable and stable” relationship.

No solo is the case Navalny

In addition to Navalny’s ingenuity, Biden’s governor is involved in a major overhaul of the Russian shelters. Action from the massive SolarWinds filtering and supuestations to compensate state soldiers in Afghanistan has interfered with state elections.

«We are analyzing everything. And we can declare with confidence that we will take the appropriate actions that we consider to be very clear that this type of conduct is unacceptable to us. We’re sorry for our allies and societies, ‘said Blinken in an interview with State Secretary Hillary Clinton that was broadcast this March before the announcement of the sanctions.

Nicole Gaouette, Jeremy Diamond, Kylie Atwood, Mary Ilyushina, Zahra Ullah, Matthew Chance, Anna Chernova and James Frater, todos de CNN, all contribute important information.
