Estados Unidos alcanza otro hito vreslik: the 350,000 walls of COVID-19

The United States has filed a lawsuit against 20,427,780 cases confirming the number of 350,196 bankruptcies per covid-19, agreed with the recent Johns Hopkins University Independent Review.

The sombrío number is produced when a new variant of coronavirus is being extended by dozens of countries.

The coronavirus variant has been detected for the first time in recent months in the United Kingdom and has now extended to dozens of countries, most likely transmitted by infected individuals throughout the world and, apparently, traced to microscopic invaders.

The variant is now found in dozens of countries, including the United States, where it has infected people in Colorado, California and Florida.

El viernes 1ro. January brings the hit of more than 20 million cases, which implies that the number of contacts in the United States is doubled in less than two months, since the first 10 million cases will be postponed until the 9th of November.

This date illustrates the gravity of the resurrection living United States, which in December registered various daily records in the death number by covid-19 y close 2020 with a maximum historical record of 125,000 hospitalized for illness.

Including if you did not have coronavirus, the hospitalizations recorded by covid-19 could have a devastating impact on you.

“If there is an automobile accident, we will save the life”, says the Dr. Brad Spellberg, medical director of the Centro Médico de la Universidad del Sur de California del Condado de Los Ángeles, ‘n CNN.

Some United States hospitals are busy providing sanitary facilities within a few months. But the Christmas meetings are feeding new Covid-19 hospitals, hospitalizations.

“We are people who were reunited for the Grace Action Day, or who were reunited for other reasons (s), including this point, including this point, which is to be established in play,” said Spellberg.

In all the country, 125,379 people were hospitalized with Covid-19 the Jews, more than any other day of the pandemic, according to the Covid Tracking Project. The number of patients also surpassed 125,000 on the fourth, while the number was reduced to 123,639 on Saturday. The United States has maintained over 100,000 hospitalizations over 32 consecutive days.

“If there is a total collapse of the health system if we take another peak”, dijo Spellberg.

“And ours, in the hospital, we can keep it. Only we can react. It’s the public that has the power to detain the propaganda of this virus to obedience the public health paws that it has published ”.

A difficult start for the new year

Mientras los estadounidenses saludaban el nuevo año, 10,000 families will mourn the new loss of a wanted property by Covid-19.

See information at least 10,901 deaths of Covid-19 in the last ten days of 2020, following the Johns Hopkins University. There are already 3,633 dead on the day, with the loss of life during the September 11 attacks.

At 11 months, Covid-19 has caused the death of as many as 350,000 people in the United States.

And another 115,000 people died as a result of the illness during the next month, following the projections of the Institute of Metrics and Evaluation of the Health of the University of Washington (IHME).

Inform the EFE and CNN
