Esta mujer consigue el derecho a la eutanasia por prima vez en Perú

(CNN Español) –– The Judicial Power of Peru ordered the Ministry of Health and Social Security of Health (EsSalud) “to respect the decision of Ana Estrada Ugarte, to end his life through the technical procedure of euthanasia”, according to an announcement Twitter the institution, which also includes the sentence in favor of Estrada.

Euthanasia is not permitted in Peru. Without embarrassment, the sentence is recognized and authorized by the first time in the history of the country the right of a person to end up with his life. The Ministry of Health, which has a legal place of 72 hours to appeal, has not publicly announced the fall. CNN is looking into the Ministry’s reaction.

Poco was able to convince the case, Estada expressed in his Twitter account his satisfaction with the decision. También su agradecimiento al juzgado «por la sentencia a favor de mi libertad». There is a difference between the staff of the Pensblo Defensoría and his family.

La voz de Ana Estrada en pro de la eutanasia 1:47

“Dedico is the first log to those who do not see the rescue. To the nines, adolescents and women who have called him or her son. To the mothers, husbands, wives and friends of those who feed or disappear. Justice for all! », Agregó.

The Battle of Ana Estrada for euthanasia in Peru

Estrada, 44 years old, had poliomyositis, a degenerative disease that kept in a bed at his home, with medical care 24 hours a day and connected to a respirator during the nights. Here it is since abandoning the intensive care unit of a hospital in 2015, where it has become increasingly debilitating to the fact that it is padded and that it has been diagnosed by a nurse.

The effects of this sentence only apply to Ana Estrada, according to Josefina Miró Quesada, part of the legal team of the Pueblo Defense. This institution presents the initiations of this year an appeal before the Judicial Power in order to allow Ana Estrada the assisted death when his condition is ongenaakbaar. The Peruvian Civil Code penalizes this type of action and the Defensive Defendant that it does not apply in its case.

The sting of the right to die dignified in Peru 2:08

“This is the first instance to be finalized by the procurators of the Ministries of Health and Justice, and EsSalud decides not to appeal,” Quesada said. Agregó que confiaba «en que ello ocurra porque las institutions, en tanto Estado, deben estar alina con los derechos fundamentals, y los prosucadores en tanto defensores del Estado debería adherir a ell».

The pandemic was particularly difficult, according to the proprietary road, to be able to obtain the oxygen that requires its condition to be converted into a net. She always declares that she does not want to die and that she is lustful, whether she is an ally for death, it is for life, for freedom to choose. It is written in his blog “This search for death is conversion, paradoxically, with a motivation to live”.
