Esposo de Gloria Trevi sufre percance en avión privada

Armando Gómez, thanks to Gloria Trevi tuvo esta mañana, un percance en el private plane in that viajaba, ya que de repente, este comenzó a tener mechanical failures, situation that pushes on the wheel the wheel in which the manager and the owner of the song are on board.

armando gómez esposo de gloria trevi

For this reason, the decision of regress to an Airport in the city of Texas, emergence. It seems that the plot of the interpretation of ‘Pelo Suelto’, iba accompanied by two more people, who has the moment, if his identity is known.

armando gomez y gloria trevi

You will notice at the airport that Armando Gómez only has to go there and go to a van to leave the place. The signal that Armando Gómez, like his two companions is located in good health state.

gloria trevi y su esposo

In this moment, too, the destination that the empress is known to, is known only as McAllen’s despise; in addition, there are no details about the type of falla tuva la aeronave.
