Esperan vacunas en la Facultad de Medicina y gimnasio universitario

OAXACA, Oax. March 8, 2021.- The Faculty of Medicine and the University Gymnasium are two of the points where the people hope to turn to the antiquated evacuation in the city of Oaxaca de Juárez.

In these two, of three places that Quadratín has corrected, the situation is the same: he has to deal with people who, without guarding his distance and a proper organization, are not waiting for the famous lamentations of the nation, hoping for his turn.

In the university gymnasium including its improvised mantle, because it is one of the sites where the Sun is strongest and has no shape to cover.

The Faculty of Medicine provides proportionate information to individuals, but ensures that the register as well as the reception of the same people starts this March 9th to the 8th of the month.

The people also stand tall, with umbrellas, chairs, and keep their distance.

At present, the official authorities have not issued any opinion with respect to this person’s presence.

Tampoco han dicho si sera fila que sigan par la attención un vacunacion des los adultos mayores, algunos de los cuales hacen esta espera.

In other cases, their relatives of certain people who are in the hope, but in conditions also in danger, then in the situations where there are no man, there are less than a distance and in the faculty of medicine, they are close al hospital civilian, doctor Aurelio Valdivieso.
