“Es un amarra navajas”: meeting between Vicente Fernández and Gustavo Adolfo Infante term en fuerte amenaza

Photos: Efe - Mara Patricia Castañeda / Youtube
Photos: Efe – Mara Patricia Castañeda / Youtube

The controversy over abandoning Mexican cantonment Vicente Fernández. Luego de ser accusado de acosar a fanatas algaticas, el “Charro de Huentitán” was launched against the periodical Gustavo Adolfo Infante, who responded to the reports and has recorded the controversy over the years when the singer declared that he had received an organ because he did not know the identity of the donor, which provoked the term “gay gay” in social speeches to accuse “homophobic”.

Vicente Fernández has been in the video of the hurricane because he viralized a video in which he touches the bust of a fanatic. The theme generated an oil of attacks that quiso frenar al ofrecer una disculpa public in an interview with the periodical Mara Patricia Castañeda, what in reality, said other attacks because the conversation was sent to not give more than one image and was ignored by some other topics.

Además resaltó, en la larga charla entre el interpret de regional mexicano y la periodista, the posture of Fernandez with the means of communication, especially hacia the communicator Gustavo Adolfo Infante.

Following the song of great excites like Aca entre nrs o These are, the conductor of De Primera Mano is a “navy amar” that “always is chingu *, chingue and chingu *” and recorded the conflict between the family of Antonio Aguilar and his brother Pepe.

Video: Mara Patricia Castañeda

“He always was chingu *, chingu * and chingu * came and received his opinion and when he came to Pepe Aguilar, he had his dad’s comment that he was not my friend … and he knew me peguntó y luego llama a Pepe … es amarra navajas. Vale more than I do not find a day, because it is me debe … a cachetadas, decirle no, to lose time”, Comment on the long interview that the competition has one day.

Vicente Fernández added that Gustavo Adolfo and other periodicals, use his platforms to give the car about his comments and women if he is his partner, like Mónica Noguera.

“Pueden tacharme de lo que quieran, pero dando la cara”, the song was sung about the conduct of the commentators.

The song offers a revelation to the chic affected, to the media of communication, to his wife, he and not about this scandal.

Gustavo Adolfo Infante did not call forward to these attacks, by which he responded immediately to the conduct of Vicente Fernández with the fanaticism that a bubble had and had recorded the scandal of the “gay gay”.

Video: Image Television.

The communicator recorded the dispute that originated during the death of Antonio Aguilar and that also referred to Vicente, as well as presenting the integrative statements of both Mexican artists.

It is explained that it provokes no conflict and only issues to the information bus.

Además relates what happened a couple of years ago, when Vicente Fernández the compartment that detects cancer and removes a transplant because it does not contact the donor. “I would like to give a hug to another cabrone and the days: ‘I do not want to sleep with my wife with the hugo of another guy. Ni sé si homoseksueel o drogadicto ”, declared in this occasion the famous song.

This statement denounces the fury of internet users, who accuse it of being homophobic and resorting to the term “gay hygiene” to refer to the controversy.

“I apena mucho te te quieras salir por la tangete. Yo mi cariño, mi respeto y admiración intactas hacia ti y si me quieres agarras a cachetadas aquí estoy, pero con eso no vas a lavar tu imagen ”.


Vicente Fernández received a hygienic transplant because the donor was “homosexual or drug addict”

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