Erwin Neher, Nobel Prize in Medicine: “It is a basic science in habitual living”

German scientist Erwin Neher, Nobel laureate in medicine, said that his basic science is “do not have home-grown vaccines”. “Biology – also ours – is dynamic and always surpasses”, dijo.

Neher made the diary statement El Mostrador in the market for a trend in the current world to socialize this type of investigation, public and private funds, by being a large space and low intermediate profitability.

The basic science “creates ‘new knowledge’, and the possibilities of deriving possibilities to solve the problems of those majors that water those of ‘old knowledge’, which have usually been examined by all people in the application bus.

The connection with Chile

Neher will be part of the Puerto de Ideas Festival Antofagasta, which commences this month for schools and this edition for the general public will be held this weekend.

Specifically, she will take part in the charla “From Curiosity to Scientific Knowledge – The Camio of a Nobel Prize”, together with periodical Francisco Aravena, on April 17 at 11:30 am, in moderation online.

Its angle with Chile is data old. In 2012 I received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Valparaíso. It is also a member of the assessment committee of the Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience (CINV) of this case study.

Neher also led the way in conducting a scientific meeting in 2010, a win-win between CINV and the Max Planck Institute of Germany.

“This type of encoder is very important for exchanging experiences and sharing the studies with the rest of the scientists on the primary and secondary effects of the drugs in the molecules, studies that we developed 25 years ago to work it out,” he said. explained on the occasion.

Constant light

Regarding the importance of financing basic science, Neher said that “there is a constant gap”.

“How investigators know how to treat neurological pathogens we know how to do it. We need basic research to understand more about what we are doing. in the finals of the decade of 1970, between 10 and 20 years ago we will read the applications and the known advancement as sufficient to be used for the doctors “, signaled to the diary El País of 2018.

On this occasion, I like the example of Alzheimer’s disease.

“I’m pretty sure that in the end we will offer a cure or, at least, a protection: a medicine or changes of life style that will prevent it. is well funded, because politicians are very interested in having a cure. What I believe is that finance is more basic than the mechanisms with which the brain works. To be able to repair some need to work.


The researcher is a physics student at the Munich Technical University, a physician at the University of Göttingen (Germany) and specializes in physiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (United States). Is dedicated to investigating the biophysical and molecular principles of the information flow between neurons.

In the 70s, along with Bert Sakmann, both aspired to basic science, so that there were no immediate fines to increase the cost, we decided to study the electric bills in the cells. Así lograron desarrollar las télnicas llamadas plaster clamp, which allows to mediate the electrical currents that obstruct cellular membranes.

Once again, this technique allows for the development of pharmaceutical drugs such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cystic fibrosis, and it is estimated that 13% of all commercialized drugs are free of charge. Debido to it, Neher received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1991.

The investigation in the last 40 years has shown that ion channels are present only in electrically excitable cells, as well as nerves and muscles, are also practically all types of cerebral palsy, which are intermittent. EFE.

The magnitude of the years has shown that its main objectives of medicines and that the dysfunction of the channels of sublingual ions in a varied variety has more amplitude of pathogens.

The role of curiosity

In the year 1991, in his speech on the reception of the galley, Neher referred to the suerte as one of the main factors: the suerte de haberse formed with good professors, the suerte de investigator the correct problem y, for sober todo, the suerte de que sus discovering wild tomatoes for other scientists who hiccup with brilliant experiments. Prohibition of probes, hooi otro factor determinante en la carrera de Neher: la curiosidad.

For that matter, curiosity is the main component of scientific investigations. Thanks to her, along with her laboratory partner Bert Sakmann, she decided to study the electricity that circulates around the human being. Therefore, there is an incredible description of the function of the individual ion channels in the cells, which serve as a basis for the method in which many drugs are currently consumed.

“Curiosity is the principal characteristic of an investigator,” Neher said, although admitting that “apparently both have some impulse for the lucre.”

Consulted on what advice should be given to the young scientists, Neher recommends “averiguar that problem or question can be ‘captured’. Luego intends to present a solution in a doctoral degree or a postdoctoral position in the best laboratory in the world”.
