Erik Rubín reveals romance of a night out with Salma Hayek | Famous

The song Erik Rubín habló como pocas veces acerca de su vida intima, la cual asegura close a chapter with Salma Hayek, ‘n quien llamó “bizcochito” mientras recordaba la unica noche que pasaron juntos.

From this place as invited by El Escorpión Dorado off on YouTube, donde sin tapujos contó how was the only meeting that tuvo with the high star of Hollywood. Agreed to the relationship, this haberdasher violated the principles of the 1990s decade, despite launching his first disco as a soloist, ‘La casa del amor’, 1993.


While talking about the success of its first production, record the dikes that the family work in sail XX. “I regalo algo bien bonito el exito de ese disco porque una vez staba en el estado marijuano y my cayó un bizcochito muy famoso […] Fue un amorío very good, really a nightmare. She does not compromise on you or her. Salma, incredible, the adore y never more volvi a ver“.


This statement was more than one and included, in the video it shows a little nervous and renewed to face the anecdote. There is a moment in which you say that I would like to say “a la tumba”. But secondly, we have no filters on the famous actress.

A few years ago, ‘La Guzmán’ confirmed the rumors that the song ‘Hey güera’ was written for ‘La Chica Dorada’, in order to maintain an amorous relationship with Erik Rubín when he met a novelty with the rocker. This is the reitero in his recent visit to Despierta America.


When Andrea Legarreta’s current marriage took place in the press, the mayor took some of the seats he took to refer to them: “Many, many great artists”, dijo a ‘De primera mano’ en una entrevista de inicios de 2020. “Sí hubo algun moment in el cual coincidimos los tres, surgieron estas canciones, yo lo recuerdo como un momento muy movido. Ya es algo que quedó atras”.

Pero in the interview with El Escorpión Dorado also has details of this triangle with Paulina Rubio and Alejandra Guzmán. Refers to them as they do not know before, just like ‘La Chica Dorada’ called “cabro …”.


“Paulina, after being friends, we smoke a lot more, pero la cabro … tenía novio y yo me clavé muy cab … y le decía ‘¿Qué pedo, nee?’ Y ella me decía, ‘no lo puedo mandar a la ching … porque es a toda madre’. Yo ardí muy cab …. Entonces, en el inter, empecé a salir con ‘La Guzmán’ porque no teníamos nada formal (con Paulina Rubio) “.

Fue asi as the relationship with the rocker commenced to be “some more form: Me iba de gira y veía a la ‘Pau’ y regresaba y veía a ‘Ale’, a toda madre”, alardeó. “Hopefully, the ‘Ale’ will formalize more and enthonos our official names”.

Paulina Rubio confirms that she did not quarrel with Alejandra Guzmán and explained why

Related that one day, ‘La Chica Dorada’ the proposal to start the new year which he searched for because he had finished with his previous novel. “Qué mal pedo, porque la Alejandra es a toda madre ¡y no la puedo mandar a la ching …!”, Recordó. “So far, the application is exactly the same and there is the power that salio bailando fue la ‘Ale'”.

The song includes a revelation that on one occasion his colleague from the group sold the house of ‘La Guzmán’ and the advertisement: “We do not like you … because te vi en la mañana salir de casa de Alejandra y yo estaba parada ahí afuera! “, was the advertisement that ensured receipt for the interpretation of ‘Ni una sola palabra’.

It seems that Erik Rubín says that “decision” by Paulina Rubio. For a reunion that on one occasion, by accident, Silvia Pinal’s wife was told that she had more than a love affair with ‘La Chica Dorada’.

‘Alejandra enters Paulina’s because a day of gira, echo me passion and the day: ‘My love, pass the cigars to please that I stand in my closet’ “. The rocker found in the ball of the jacket a funny note of ‘Pau’ and the advertisement to también-akteur, quien trató de justifiarse responsabilizando a su kompañera: “¡Nee, pinche vieja, nee me deja de ching … y my acosa y acosa. For more than the digo that no, otherwise the dice are there! ‘”.

Alejandra Guzmán recorded this song dedicated to Paulina Rubio (and as the contestant)

Pero su romance con Paulina Rubio en la epoca en que fue part de Timbiriche no fue el unico. Antes, también fue novio de Thalía. “I love nails”, he says to El Dorcorpi Dorado, but he was warned “le rompió el corazón” with Diego Schoening: “Every time they play, it’s the gun”.

Erik Rubín never had any details about the incident with both songs, with Thalía and less so with Salma Hayek. His statements were criticized in the last hours.


For example, in the Mexican show ‘Ventaneando’ on March 2, it was called “poco caballeroso” by the patroness Pati Chapoy, while others of the presenters, Pedro Sola, said that “bad taste” that el cantante hablara así.

In Despair America, Francisca Lachapel showed off his disqualification with the song this Wednesday 3 and says that for the time being she is “the molestar” that her couple will take to the stories of the past.
