Eréndira Ibarra denounces abuse by a reconciled actor

Law of the influencer Nath Campos tell his story offensive and signal to youtuber Rix as his abuser, more women also han decided to tell his story.

Eréndira Ibarra surprise to declare the work of its social speeches that sufrió abuso for a part rekokido actor and although he did not reveal his name, he gave details of what he could do. coinciding with él time despuets and tuvieron that work juntos in a series.

“Decide on Instagram and hear the video of Nath Campos. It sucks and triggers it deeply. In this account is not sold to vi * laders not imported who sean, if his family, friends, dads. A mí me han vi * lado, y han abusado de mí, hy visto abuso a primera mano suceder frente a mis ojos y BASTA. Only one abuser will benefit from my silence ”, commenced.

Continuing with his Experience, ‘Have not much participated in a donde series my vi obligada a trabajar with an abuser who made me feel very good ”, commenced.

eréndira ibarra denuncia abuso gran actor nath campos rix

Actress compartment that immediately interacts with its representatives and the production of the series to counteract what was sued for tuvo que callar, pues de lo contrario, elle se quedaría sin trabajo, Fui con mi agencia y con la production en no paso nada. The male star is making the pair, making a character tiny for the tan ‘big actor’ and which is sad to have a series that cast the actress two weeks before empezar because something has happened so long. This is the production response, mi chamba y mi silencio o quedarme sin nada.

The verse obliges to work with his aggressor, the actress sufrió attacks of ansiedad mientras trabajaba, por lo que las mujeres de la productione fueron quienes la cobijaron en esos momentes difikel, “The women of the production me salvaron, me cuidaron during the attacks on the campers, I abrazaron ante the indifference of the production and all the people that the rodeaban, sabendo that I have high (and certainly many others)”.

Here is the expression on social media:

Ante esto, Find out where you can find your family lo había sucedido, algo que fue sumamente pero recibió su suopoy y tuvieron que mandar un escrito a la production to para se acercara a ella, I abogada y hermana fue la unica que me hizo caso, but the reaction of all the people paralyzed me. Tener que decirle a mis papás fue lo más cabr * n. We will formulate a card so that I can not access it, he responded with a Confidentiality clause (and if you are renting it is difficult to separate than the company) the card was written in an office and it was passed with all the credit for the set COMO SI NADA HUBIERA PASADO. Every risa suya rodeado de ‘mis amigos’ me tronaba ”, explained.

eréndira ibarra denuncia abuso gran actor

Eréndira logró will end the project but it will have a bad experience with the people who work and who know what they are sued, “At the end of the project with the satisfaction of any other person with an extra sensation, the producer and all the people involved have already given me a giant slap on their cheeks, the vein and it is clear that no imports and no one will be released. Share this story because we live the women and various people in the man violent violence and it is unbearable ”, señaló.

The actress of series como ‘Las Aparicio’ e ‘Ingobernable’ finalize external su support to all that haya passed by abuse.
