Equipment and tools to improve posture and reduce cleft palate

The posture we adopt in our day and day depends, in the medium, on the tonicization of the tonic or postural muscles, of the ligamentary ligament, of the plantar plantar of the pie and of the vestibular system of the uterus which work largely in equilibrium. However, if everything is Chinese, we will summarize it in one more simple phrase: además del eiercicio gereeld, hooi que evitar el sedentarismo si estamos buscando mejarar nuestra postura.

Alicia Keys works her figure with intense cardio, elastic bands and 20 minutes of sterling erections that we can copy at home

And it’s the lack of physical activity and movement that will be found behind many of the pains and rashes that we are experimenting with. It is for that, to counter the sedentary style of life we ​​live in, deberíamos, segun los expertos, including a routine routine in our day to day.

We can do things at home, we will have a lot of time and we will help you prevent an abrupt, lucrative winter, as well as reduce the risk of suffering frequent dents. A few days ago, supermodel Sara Sampaio demonstrated our importance in a video in which she had the same unfavorable sale and no clear conscience of her own proposal.

Activation of inferior trapezoid

People who report molestias in cuello and cervical spine afstammeling las scapulas y activat su inferior traepio, aunque, en muchas ocasiones, no son capacities de sentir esta musculature. This owner is an excellent option for these cases and can make a diary can be a great help to alleviate the pain.

Krul Jefferson

When a long time passes it is common to feel pain at an inclined distance. This is what we need to do when we move we will cover the column of degrees of movement and those that are acostumbrada.

The Jefferson curl, although controversial, is a very interesting experience to diminish the sensitivity of our lumbar column to the hour of flexion. Although in the video of the example is used weight, the time to realize this ownership is not preoccupied with this aspect of being Flexing vertebrae to vertebrae of the spine, from the cervical to the lumbar.

Dissociation of the three lumbar spines

In the lumbar spine we have three bisagras: dorsolumbar, bisagra in lumbar spine and sacra. The most habitual move we have is the ultimate in mobility in the other two. Our posture can improve if we learn to move correctly all the segments of the column it correctly discusses the structures involved.

Postura del perro boca abajo o Adho Mukha Svanasana

This posture of yoga is one of the most familiar and we will help you in all our posterior chain, from the gemelos to our lumbar column. Takes a semi-inversion posture in which la cabeza queda a la misma altura de los pies.

The key is to guide our coxis hacia arriba mientras empujamos el suelra con nuestras manos. We need to feel like our column is expanding and we will increase the space between the vertebrae and the vertebrae.

Movement of the dorsal column

It is customary to consider that a posture with a head is the cause of dollars in the spring, male or female high in general. In reality, in the scientific literature there is no relationship between posture of the dorsal column and any of these dollars.

However, there is no relationship between the posture or mobility of the dorsal column and the rank of the male movement. People with maximum capacity for dorsal column extension gozan de una burgemeester movilidad en el hombro lo que puede prevenir pathologías en est articulación and increase the quality of movement.

Rotation of the lumbar spine with the thoracic column fija

The column stands firm and static about the column while the piers provoke the rotation respect to the column. This torque rotation motion can be performed while lowering the train and moving it in this option to propose the experts of Vitonic using a foam roller between our rodillas (to maintain parallel frames between sí) you facilitate the tarea ya that will be the propi peso de tus piernas las that you permitan realize the rotation without casi esfuerzo.

Homil movement movement and establishment movement

When we make moves with the man, about everything in the closet, necesitamos que unos muscles musabilosen mientras otros movilizan. To do this you need a correct synchronization.

This exercise combines an escaping retraction and an external rotation with a 90 degree abduction. We can continue implementing a code extension, as we implement a pressure for the sake of the cabeza. Todo no solta goma at any time.

Cat-camel or cat-camel

A simple exercise that we can practice to stretch the muscles of our lumbar zone and to work the mobility of our thoracic column or the upper part of the cleft palate. Respiratory control plays an important role that we synchronize with the stages of the acquisition.

If in addition during the flexion, we will build our frame backwards and combine it with a pelvic reversal, estiraremos la columna lumbale de forma más accentuada.

Multiplayer Activation

The main function of the multipliers is to stabilize the column. People who spent a lot of time watching or including people with lumbar pain episodes these muscles can atrophyarse.

Realize this ownership and diary can alleviate the pain and breath, maintain a good level of mobility in each segment of the column.

Bird Dog by Stuart McGill

One of the highlights that Stuart McGill’s specialist offers rehabilitation and pain of the lumbar spine es el voëlhond. During this exercise it is important to maintain both the men as the parallel frameworks between them.

He who procures, in addition, raises the body to make intentions to subdue the men or the very high ones. The idea is treat yourself to the most possible things with the point of your extremities.

Photos | @ikeaspain.
